
ID319 - Contract Meter Group Containing Color Meters and has 0 Covered/Allowed Copies on the Meter Group Overview and Sample:

This alert will notify you whenever there is equipment with color meters present in a meter group with zero allowances on an active service contract. 

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This alert reviews active service contracts to locate any instances where equipment with a meter type of color is billing in a meter group that has zero allowances. 

This alert is helpful because some dealers do not allow for Color meter type equipment to be in a zero-allowance meter group on customer contracts. Being aware of live instances in your system helps for you to catch any setup errors or to know when a contract of this type has been written. 


Run Schedule:  Daily at 5:30 AM

Type of Output: Email


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id319 1.png


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This alert has no variables. 


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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. This alert reviews active Service Contract Meter Groups to locate those with zero allowances

2. Once located, it determines if there are any equipment present in the Meter Group that have a Meter Type of Color

ID319 1.JPG

3. If there is equipment with a Meter Type of Color present and allowance in the Meter Group (such as in the screen shot above), the alert will include this contract in its emailed alert. 


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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

None at this time. 



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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID542 - Validate Contract Base Rates Against Meter Group Coverage - Overview & Sample

ID330 - Customer Not Hitting Minimum Volumes Overview & Sample

ID739 - Active Metered Contracts No Base Charge And No Base Clicks, Overview & Sample


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