This alert is for those Contracts that you only want OEM items included and/or the Contracts you only want OEM Compatible Items included. This alert will look at the Contract Types or Bill Codes you list in VariableW and VariableX and trigger if an OEM item (the OEM compatible item checkbox is unchecked) is used on a Sales Order. (MPS contract that only should be shipped Compatible items) This alert will also look at the Contract Types or Bill Codes you list in VariableY and VariableZ and trigger if an item with the OEM Compatible box checked is added on a Sales Order these Contracts are associated with. (MPS Contracts where OEM items only are required)
Sample Output contains Customer Name, Sales Order#, Date, Creator, Trigger, Equipment#, Model#, Item#, Item Description, Billed $, Cost$, Contract#, ContractType, ContractBillCode as shown below:
Variables include:
VarW = Contract Types to trigger on if a non-OEM compatible item ordered
VarX = Contract Bill Codes to trigger on if non-OEM compatible is ordered
VarY = Contract Types to trigger on if OEM Compatible item is ordered
VarZ = Contract Bill Codes to trigger on if OEM Compatible item is ordered