
ID71 - 1099 Vendors Missing Required Information Overview & Sample:

Reports on AP Vendors needing review for 1099 submission.

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The alert will show any vendor that has qualified for a 1099 by reaching the threshold you set in VariableW and report any missing data in the fields critical to create 1099s. 

Run Schedule: Quarterly - March 15, June 15, Sept 15, Dec 15 AND January 15 (email will also send when first installed)

Type of Output: Email


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Variable W: Threshold-Set minimum amount of dollar purchases made by vendor for alert to consider (REQUIRED), defaults to $600.00 if left blank

Variable X: Custom Property1 - create Custom Property Attribute for alert to show contents of (OPTIONAL)

Variable Y: Custom Property2 - create Custom Property Attribute for alert to show contents of (OPTIONAL)

Variable Z: ZCJ1099OptOut - on Vendor Record set this Custom Property to YES if you'd like alert NOT to consider this vendor. Set as No (or leave blank) to have alert consider


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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

-Emails are sent Quarterly on March 15, June 15, Sept 15, Dec 15 AND January 15. Email will also send when first installed

-When the report runs in January, it will run based on the prior year. Each quarter afterwards will report on the current year. You can consider the 1/15 report to be the “final report” for the prior year.

-Email sorts by the Updated Message, THEN it will sort those by the estimated total, THEN by the YTD total

-Alert will consider all of your Vendor Records and report on all purchases so far this year (per minimum threshold set on VariableW) regardless of whether 1099 Required check box is checked or not.

REQ1099 column indicates YES if 1099 required is checked and NO if 1099 require is NOT checked. To prevent a vendor from reporting on alert, set Custom Property ZCJ1099OptOut to YES.


As also seen in eView Vendors:



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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

-Use Vendors eView to export data to create your 1099's as needed:


-If you have any trouble saving this Custom Property set to YES (the OK button is grayed out, this sometimes happens because eAuto doesn't recognize the addition of a custom property as a change to the record), then just change something else like adding a space behind the name and then delete it, then the OK button will not be grayed out anymore.

Creating Custom Properties

Creating Custom Properties

1. Opt Out Custom Property

This alert provides you ability to opt out a Vendor Record from being considered. This Custom Property must match that listed in VariableZ - ZCJ1099OptOut

To create this Custom Property"

Step 1:

Create attribute via Lists & Codes / Attributes / New:

**Be sure Data Type is Yes/No**


Step 2:

Add this attribute to your Vendor Configuration via Lists & Codes / Configurations (custom properties):


Click in Available Attributes box to find ZCJ1099OptOut:



Select Quick Add and be sure to leave NO default value:


Then you will see listed in available Attributes:



2. Optional Custom Properties to show you any text you'd like included on alert email.

You will need to create your customized Custom Properties and list on VariableX and VariableY as needed (neither required). If you do opt to create, please be sure to populate your subscription variables with the exact name of the attribute(s) you create.

For example: 


Be sure these Custom Properties are configured to your AP Vendor Configuration:



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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

None at this time


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