Eview providing clicks for last 8-weeks so you can export to show your Meter Trends
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Meter trends over last eight weeks. This eView is based on eAutomate data and will be a subset of your installed base as we are only including meters for devices that have a meter reading in every week of the reporting period.
There is a header row in the data showing how many machines qualified for the trend as opposed to ones that didn't, and each non-qualifying machine has a single row (with no clicks or trend details on it) with notes about why it didn't qualify.
The process creates a dataset showing weekly volumes for machines that have at least one Valid meter read for each of the last nine rolling weeks. If (big IF) you have automation which is pushing in a significant number of your meter reads into eAuto at least once/week then the resulting dataset can be used to show you the trend of clicks in the field, how much they're falling by week over week and what the likely impact on your contract billing is likely to be. The data is available directly through SQL and is also available for review and export via an eView, so it can be pivoted in an Excel spreadsheet based on total numbers or subsets - CustomerType, ContractType and a few other values are available by default, whereas many others (Make, Model as examples) can be added to the e-view prior to export.
Run Schedule: As Needed / On Demand
Type of Output: eView
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eView in your System Views named CEOJuice Meter Trend Analysis:
Available filter/sort options:
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This alert has no variables
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
-eView is reporting on every serial number listed on a meter group for active contracts
-eView refreshes nightly
-we are able to offer support on how best to filter eView, but if you need help with Excel reporting, this support is reserved for our Juice+ clients only
- If you want to look at the data directly through SQL, there are some easier ways, reach out to help@ceojuice.com and we'll be glad to help you with that. If you have a serious Excel guru on staff, he/she may know easier ways to do this inside Excel, too, so be sure to ask him/her. If neither of those are options, though, this is a way to pull ANY trend line out of the e-view and into Excel so you can slice and dice it:
'ContigBit' is short for 'Contiguous Bit,' and it's a unique way of identifying each period (week) in the trend dataset. Because of how each week is uniquely identified, you can also uniquely identify any combination of weeks. This value is the SumContigBit column in the table (OR if you want to include the calculated reads as well – SumContigBitWithEst). These are useful because it allows you to pull ANY valid trend out of the dataset. While a few trendsets are identified by a separate column (example: the UsedInTrend4 column identifies all meters that are valid across all four weeks from 1-4, not counting equipment which have a negative value for any given week), with the use of SumContigBit you can pull our any trend – weeks 1-3, weeks 2-6, whatever you need.
Here's how it works. Each week has a unique number assigned to it. This is the value ContigBit in the table. It breaks down like this:
1 |
Week 1 |
2 |
Week 2 |
4 |
Week 3 |
8 |
Week 4 |
16 |
Week 5 |
32 |
Week 6 |
64 |
Week 7 |
128 |
Week 8 |
So if you want to find all the reads for week five, you can either search for WeekFlag = 5 or you can search for ContigBIt = 16. You'll get the same set of records.
Now say you want to find all the meters which are valid in the trend across Week 1 to Week 5. That is, you want to know all the Meters that have a read in each of those five weeks. You can start by adding up the ContigBit values between weeks 1-5. This will get you all the meters which have reads ONLY in those five weeks.
1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 = 31
Search for SumContigBit = 31 and you get all the meters with reads in only those five weeks. But that's not what you want. You want meters which have reads in AT LEAST those five weeks. They may or may not have reads in weeks 6, 7, and 8, and honestly you don't care if they have reads in those weeks or not, but you want to be able to grab those meters. So you also need to search for:
1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 = 63 (also has week 6)
1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 = 127 (also has weeks 6 and 7)
1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 + 64 + 128 = 255 (also has weeks 6,7, and 8, so a complete set)
1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32+ 128 = 191 (also has weeks 6 and 8)
1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 64 + 128 = 207 (also has weeks 7 and 8)
1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 128 = 159 (also has week 8)
So, to find all your meters which have reads across each week of weeks 1 – 5, you need to search e-views like this:
The SumContigBitWithEst column does exactly the same thing except that it will include the calculated values (places where we found a missing read in one week but found valid reads on either side of it, so we calculated a value to plug in between). To include those in your mix simply change the above to REMOVE the line searching for 'MeterSource does not contain CalculatedByID569' and change all your searches from SumContigBit to SumContigBitWithEst, like this:
-UsedInTrend columns indicate if all meters are valid across rolling weeks they represent
UsedInTrend is rolling weeks 1-8
1/Yes = serial number does have a valid meter reading for each of the last 8-weeks
0/No = serial number does NOT have a valid meter reding for each of the last 8-weeks
-Valid meters can be seen in eAuto via Meter Reading console, Column Valid = Yes:
-you will also see when you run the eView wide open, top line column UsedOnTrend = -1, this contains Note stating how many equipment records had valid meters for last 8-weeks vs. serial numbers in your eAuto under contract (difference between the two is number of serial numbers NOT reporting a meter each week for last 8-weeks):
Create you're own eView
-you can create you're on eView from our eView by selecting New:
name your eView, save and then Import more columns:
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
-During COVID-19 crisis, we recommend setting your FM Audit to push in meters at least weekly:
This can be done by going to Admin / Sync:
Under General tab, change frequency to minimum weekly:
Also under Data To Sync tab, REMOVE only sync devices with meters due
As long as mapped into eAuto, generally via serial number, some users also map to account), this will pick up all available meters in FMAudit
-Explanation of the “calculated” meter source definition when there is a missing meter read for a week:
For a given meter, if there is a week period with no valid, non-estimated meter but there IS a valid non-estimate for the period prior and the week following, we calculate and post in an estimate like this example.
Essentially it flattens out a small portion of the trend for that specific meter, allowing you to keep it in the mix in case of a large scale posting-fail/missing-meters issue like you saw at IMS.
Week 3 – 31,000 clicks on 7 Apr
Week 4 – MISSING
Week 5 – 29,000 clicks on 22 Mar
Clicks between weeks 3 and 5 – 2,000
Days between weeks 3 and 5 – 17
Halfway between 2,000 clicks - 1,000
Halfway between 17 days – 8.5 days, round down to 8 days
Calculated read is posted for 30,000 clicks on 30 March
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID558 - Contract Billing Trend
ID568 - eAuto Activity Trends
ID570 - Note History Reporting
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