Use OnShip for shipment address corrections and to shop for lowest cost shipping.
Jump to Overview | Samples | Variables | API Creds | Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips | Required Setup & Testing | Related Alerts | Webinar
ID530 is our UPS integration with e-automate and ID531 is FedEx. We have been searching for a solution for address corrections where we see clients paying hundreds of dollars in address correction fees each month ( This is an integration with OnShip ( OnShip allows you to shop for the lowest shipping cost. You can select the carrier with the lowest cost or choose to always ship with your preferred carrier.
It also works for LTL shipments (freight) and that can get into some big savings on machines being shipped out. For our Canadian clients, it supports Purolator, for our Mid-West clients, they integrate with SpeeDee.
OnShip has address correction built-in so we notify you of correction needed and we can push in tracking numbers freight cost, and freight charge.
OnShip is waiving (but see note) their monthly fee for CEO Juice clients and allows you to either use your existing UPS / FedEx account, or try theirs if they offer better rates. We see our average client pay about $500 per month in address correction fees.
As with all of our integrations, this is included in your monthly fee. Please subscribe to ID34 so we can provide you the next steps.
Run Schedule: Every 2-minutes
Type of Output: Email and Data Push
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Watch this video about the variable options:
Variable 1: Orders in this status will be uploaded to OnShip Platform, we suggest using dedicated OnShip status (at least for starting and testing).
Variable 2: Sales Order status to set on Sales Order after order processed/shipped through OnShip. We suggest shipped as Best Practice is to ship orders before fulfilling. We will automatically update order to this status once shipment complete in OnShip.
Variable 4: Enter Branch Number(s) to include, separated by comma OR leave blank for ALL. If you have multiple Ship From locations, then you will need to create a separate ID34 subscription for each Ship From location and enter the Branch Numbers tied to that Ship From in this variable.
Variable 6: Enter Ship Method(s) to consider, separated by comma or leave blank for ALL. OnShip has specific Ship Methods they require in order to recognize within their platform. We suggest starting with just one so you can control your testing (03-UPSG for UPS Ground) in eAuto for you for testing. Once you are ready to do more shipping, you can use the list at bottom of this post to populate in your Variable.
Variable 7: Specify the API Credentials have been entered in External Systems Integrations.
Variable 8: Set to YES to exclude auto emailing of order confirmation and order shipment to Order By on your Supply Order. If you are using alert ID200 and/or ID216 you definitely want to set this one to YES to exclude to avoid duplication.
Variable 9: Set Flat Fee Freight Charge amount (or leave at 0 to not charge) please include decimals (i.e. 10.00). This can also be used in conjunction with Variable10 to mark up % AND charge flat fee on top of mark up%.
Variable 1: Set Markup % of Freight Cost for Freight Charge (or leave at 0 to not charge). Specify percentage in decimal format (i.e. enter 0.9 = 90% of Cost, enter 1.1 = 110% of cost.) This can also be used in conjunction with Variable9 to mark up % AND charge flat fee on top of mark up%.
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API Creds
API Credentials
We need you to enter your API Details on our website as shown below. The user entering on our website will need 'Customer Admin' security role - ask us at if you need to know who has.
API credentials for OnShip need to be requested from OnShip. Once received please enter on the CEO Juice website:
Step1: Please enter credentials on our website ( via Profile / Integrations:
Select OnShip:
Enter API Key and API Secret:
Step 2: Link your credentials to your ID34 subscription via Variable7.
Make sure Variable7 on your ID34 subscription is populated with your OnShip API credentials like this (otherwise we aren't talking to your OnShip platform):
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
1. Ships via UPS, FedEx, DHL, LDS, SpeeDee
2. If you would like to speak with OnShip, please reach out to Kerry Naliwajka at
3. This integration looks for (1) Sales Orders with Status you've listed in Variable1, (2) ShipMethod to match one of OnShip's Ship Methods listed in Variable6 (full list to download at bottom of this post via excel document), and (3) the Shipment Record is created. Once those three steps are completed, you will see the order in OnShip platform within 30 seconds. If not, then typically there is an address error.
If address error, then the Sales Order status will change to InvalidShipInfo and those listed in To/CC/BCC of your subscription will receive email indicating the error. After correcting the address error (via your research-this will not auto update for you) on the Sales Order and Customer Record (for future orders), change status back to what you have listed in Variable1, then the Sales Order should be ready to ship via OnShip platform.
4. Process flow:
5. This process can coexist with ShipStation (ID503) and with our UPS (ID530) and FedEx (ID531) integrations
6. Alert is cloneable so you can have different API credentials to facilitate different shipping label from address based on branch(es):
7. We will create Custom Property ZCJ_OnShip_DisableAddrVal, so you can set any Customer Record needed to disable the Address Validation function (see Best Practices & Tips section below for detailed set up instructions if you wish to create yourself).
Set to YES to disable Address Validation:
8. You will need to create Custom Property ZCJ_OnShip_Location if you need to override the default FROM shipping address/location on your OnShip account at your Warehouse Level. This is helpful when certain items shipped from different warehouse. You will need to work with OnShip to have them set up the other Location(s) for you. Once done, you will need to populate Custom Property ZCJ_OnShip_Location on Warehouse Record with EXACT NAME of that location in OnShip (case sensitive), see Best Practices & Tips section below for detailed set up instructions.
9. OnShip Fees:
The theory with OnShip is that clients save in two areas, they avoid address correction and they get you better shipping rates. They agreed to waive their standard fees for our clients. They make their money when our clients use the OnShip UPS or Fedex number to ship. Both UPS and Fedex don’t want to undercut their own pricing so OnShip makes money when a client who is using UPS (95% of our clients are) start shipping Fedex with the OnShip number.
OnShip gets in trouble when a client uses OnShip’s Fedex rate to go back and get better rates from Fedex, again both UPS and Fedex don’t want to undercut their pricing.
We chatted on how we make this a win for everyone. We are adding this note to our documentation that using OnShip’s rate to get better pricing will just ruin the program. OnShip has started charging their standard fees for clients who have not used their account number to ship after 1 year, that seems fair to us.
10. If you already have (or wish to start) a Custom Property in use to NOT charge a customer for freight, please let us know at so we can set your integration to "see" that Custom Property.
11. We will create eView CEOJuice Shipping Service integrated shipments
This eView serves as a log to show which eAutomate Sales Order Shipments have been submitted to which online shipping service and the current status of the shipment. Data points of interest include branch, ship from location, ship to address submitted, address validation status, address validation error information, shipping method, shipping company, online shipping service order number, tracking number if shipment is completed, and standardized shipment address used by online shipping service.
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
1. Are your orders not syncing to OnShip platform?
Step1: Check that your Sales Orders have (1) the Status equal to what you have listed in Variable1, (2) the Ship Method is equal to one of those you have listed in Variable6, and (3) the Sales Order has a Shipment Record:
Verify Shipment created via Sales / Shipments and Deliveries:
Search by the Order Number:
Step 2: If all above are true, then ask your IT to check that the 'ID34 CEOJuice OnShipSync' Service is running on the CEO Juice server:
Step 3: If above does not resolve or if you are having issues with your OnShip platform, please reach out to OnShip directly:
Kerry Naliwajka at
Craig Parks
2. If you wish to change the default Ship Method for your Sales Orders to one of OnShip's, please go to Tools / Options / Accounts Receivable, Customer setup defaults:
3. Use eView CEOJuice Shipping Service integrated shipments to find the addresses corrected so you can update in eAuto.
Filter by Adjusted = Yes
If running regularly (i.e. monthly), added filter for dates, then use 'export' option to push to excel for easing sorting. The StdShipAddress, StdShipAddress2, StdShipCity, StdShipState, StdShipZip, StdShipCountry provide you what OnShip printed on shipping label and is what you want to ensure is in eAuto:
Custom Property Set Up
4. Custom Property Set Up
Via Tools / Lists & Codes / Attributes / New
To override Location:
Attribute Name: ZCJ_OnShip_Location
Description: Warehouse OnShip Location Name - leave blank for default
Data Type: Text Box
Then go to Tools / Lists & Codes / Configurations (Custom properties), add to Warehouse Config:
Attribute Name: ZCJ_OnShip_DisableAddrVal
To disable Address Validation:
Description: Disable to skip OnShip Address Validation - Yes to skip
Data Type: Yes/No
Then go to Tools / Lists & Codes / Configurations (Custom properties), add to Customers Config:
**Be sure to set Default Value to No
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Required Setup & Testing
Required Setup & Testing
Step1: Variable7 on your subscription
Make sure Variable7 on your ID34 subscription is populated with your OnShip API credentials like this (otherwise we aren't talking to your OnShip platform):
Step 2: Create Codes in eAuto to match your subscription variables:
a) Create Order Status: OnShip. This is the default order status set in the subscription variable 1. (If you opt to change the status name, you will need to update variable 1).
b) Create Order Status: Shipped. This is the default order status set in the subscription variable 2. (If you opt to change the status name, you will need to update variable 2).
c) Create Order Status: InvalidShipInfo. This status identifies what is unable to be processed by OnShip. (This order status name cannot be changed).
d) Create Ship Method: 03-UPSG. This is the default ship method set in the subscription variable 6. (If you opt to change the ship method name, you will need to update variable 6).
Step 3: Training
a) Once you have set a training meeting with OnShip, be sure to let us know as we will need to enable the integration (the training will not work until we have done so).
b) Create a test Sales Order that has (1) Status of OnShip (value in Variable1) and (2) Ship Method of 03-UPSG (value in Variable6), (3) then you MUST ship the Sales Order
c) You will then see the order in the OnShip platform and can "ship" the order there.
d) Once the order is shipped correctly in the OnShip platform, within 3-minutes you will see the Tracking Number details on the Shipment Record:
After Training:
Once you decide to fully adopt OnShip as your shipping platform, you are more than welcome to change the statuses used in Variables 1 and 2 to streamline with your standard business practice.
You can also use more of their Ship Methods. You will need to use the excel list at bottom of this documentation to create their exact Ship Methods in eAuto AND you will need to enter those Ship Methods into Variable6 (separated by comma).
If you wish to change the default Ship Method for your Sales Orders to one of OnShip's, please go to Tools / Options / Accounts Receivable, Customer setup defaults:
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID503 - ShipStation Parcel & Freight Shipments
ID530/531 - UPS/FedEx Integration
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OnShip and eAuto Enhanced Workflow Webinar (recorded 11/02/23)