
User Login SetUp for Multiple 'linked' Accounts:

This set up is only for clients who have multiple eAutomate instances connected to the CEO Juice software, that requires a different login to our website for each account, in order to manage subscriptions.



CEO Juice will assign one user, normally the CEO Juice Administrator, with Master Admin security access. This user will have all admin rights across all the accounts AND will be able to assign any security rights to other users, and assign a user to multiple accounts.

Highly recommend limiting this access, but it will be left to your administrator on your account to decide access.


The below security rights will be assigned to the CEOJuice Administrator in their login, Administrator & Master Admin

*note, only a Master Admin will see this security rights as an option*


This Master Admin user controls which users can access multiple accounts.

Login to the website at

Top right corner Click Profile / Manage My Account Profile


Select Dealer Security Group Users tab



A full list of ALL your active users across ALL of your companies will be listed.

Select the box for that user and what companies they will be able to access.

By default, the login user will have access to the original account they were originally set up for.

This process is allowing that user to access more accounts that fall under your 'umbrella'.


Under each account, Manage Users tab, it will also show which users are linked to multiple accounts



How a User utilizes this feature:

How a User utilizes this feature:

A user with this feature can then switch between accounts, under Profile / Select Account


Select the company you want to work in, click Manage


Then navigate around the website specific for that account only.

Click subscriptions to see subscriptions for that company, and edit/subscribe as normal.

Click Surveys / Dashboard to view that companies survey data.

In the bottom right corner, a pop up indicates which company you are linked to as a reminder. 

To switch to another account, go back to Profile / Select Account, and continue to the next



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