
ID247 - Supplies Network PIP configuration and alerting on newly created items from the PIP for this process Overview & Set Up

Supplies Network PIP configuration and alerting on newly created items from the PIP for this process

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This alert is our Supplies Network PIP configuration and onboarding placeholder.   SN will create new items in your EA item table, but it requires you provide them the default InventoryCode, SalesCode, Category , and unit of measure they will use when the create new item records in your system.  Since many of our clients have multiple salescodes applied to supply items, we suggest that you create a new 'default' sales code that is used in the configuration setup.  Something like 'NeedsReview' (you can specify that default sales code below in our Variable1) so that we can send an email alert to your inventory person showing them the newly created items from this process where someone needs to review all the codes and make the appropriate changes (changing this 'NeedsReview' sales code to the actual salescode required for that item profile).  


Run Schedule: Daily

Type of Output: Email


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Not yet available


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Not yet available



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

Not yet available


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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

-Please see ECi's Tips & Tricks attachment at bottom of this post. 




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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

Not yet available


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