An API user is a special type of account that is required to work with Autotask PSA API's. API user accounts are free of charge. API users do not have access to the Autotask PSA UI.
Please note that while this is still in beta CEO Juice is not available to select as an integration vendor, we have to ask AT to publish for 2 days.
To create an API User in Autotask:
1. Within Autotask PSA, navigate to Admin - Resources (Users) - New - New API User
2. In the General section, complete all fields marked as required. Set the security level to API User (system).
3. In the Credentials section, enter a Username (key) and a Password (secret). You can do this manually, or click on Generate Key and Generate Secret.
4. In the API Tracking Identifier section, select Integration Vendor and then select CEO Juice from the drop-down list.
5. In the Line of Business section, leave everything as is.
6. Click Save & Close.
7. Get Juice API info
Please update your Integrations Page on CEO Juice subscription site (requires login by user with Admin Rights to site).
Once logged in, please click on Profile in upper right hand corner:
Select (1) Integrations tab, then (2) AutoTask:
For more details on this, see Autotask documentation here.