We have created a pricing bracket for smaller sized dealers who have 5 or less eAuto licenses, priced at $250 per month. There is a waitlist to sign up for this pricing, as we are only adding two new clients per month at this rate. You get added to our waitlist once you have our software in place and are ready for us.
Part of this program requires:
We do not allow "meet only" clients (that is clients who only give us access to the server where our software is installed, via an online meeting with their IT person) on this program, or any other connection that limits our access.
As with our standard pricing, our contract is month to month, pay us when you are up and running, cancel in the 1st 60 days and get a refund. All Juice services are included, we don't ever bill additional. Including integrations like UPS. Any integrations like UPS stay in place if you cancel our service as long as they don't need support from us.
For ECi hosted clients they need to move you to a server platform that we have access to, this can take from a week to two months. ECi will require this form in order to schedule the move. Once the form is returned to us you are added to the waitlist.
We expect a dealer with 5 or less licenses to have revenues less than $2m, if you can show you are less than $2m with more than 5 eAuto licenses we will review and possibly lower the price to $250. Our pricing does not increase as you add eAuto licenses, but our pricing can change if you buy another company that is using CEOJuice and eAutomate and merge them into your DB.