
ID195 - ITT Equipment Changes, from Selling to Servicing Dealer Overview & Sample:

Purpose of Process:

To automate communication of equipment and/or contract changes of ITT equipment


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Do you want to automate reporting of changes to the Servicing Dealer? This process will notify the Servicing Dealer of Contract Changes, Location and Contact changes.

**Reports from Selling to Servicing Dealer, not vice versa.


Run Schedule:  Daily

Type of Output: Email


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**Variables are used to identify your ITT equipment. VariableW (in red) is required, but we give you a few options on how to tell us how to identify the ITT equipment to include in the alert. 

Variables X, Y, 1, and/or 2 are filter AND (NOT OR) statements. So any value you enter in all of these variables will be required on the Equipment Record for device to be included for reporting. Be sure to only list those that apply.

Variable W: Custom Property used on Equipment Record to set Ship-OUT servicing dealer

Variable X: If you use the equipment condition code to identify equipment Shipped-OUT of your territory and is being service by another dealer, then indicate the condition code(s) you use here. (Separate list with commas)

Variable Y: If you use the equipment status code to identify equipment Shipped-OUT of your territory and is being service by another dealer, then indicate those status code(s) you use here. (Separate list with commas)

Variable Z: If you use the equipment BillCode to identify equipment Shipped-OUT of your territory and is being service by another dealer, then indicate those BillCode(s) you use here. (Separate list with commas)

Variable 1: If you use the equipment territory to identify equipment Shipped-OUT of your territory and is being serviced by another dealer, then indicate those territory(s) you use here. (Separate list with commas)

Variable 2: If you identify technicians servicing Shipped-OUT equipment with a prefix on their agent number, indicate that prefix here.

Variable 3: Branch Numbers to trigger on, separated by comma, or leave blank for ALL


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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. We look to the Equipment Record to determine who the Ship Out Servicing Dealer is. You set in Custom Property ZCJShipOutDealer with the Vendor Record Number of the Servicing Dealer. 

Set Custom Property on Equipment Record:



In turn, we email the Vendor Record Billing Contact of any changes.


AND/OR we will email to Technician assigned on Equipment Record IF you have populated Variable2


2. Variables X, Y, 1, and/or 2 are used to tell us what you consider to be your ITT Shipped-OUT equipment (when another dealer services for you). These variables are AND (not OR) statements, so any value you enter in all of these variables will be required on the Equipment Record to be considered for reporting changes. Be sure to only list those that apply.

3. We will install Test Mode first so you can review.

4. Be sure to consider the from email on your subscription so if Servicing Dealer has questions, they can reply to the email.

5. A separate email will be sent for each Equipment and one email to Vendor and another to Tech (if you are using send To Tech function).

6. Emails listed in To/CC/BCC will receive all emails.



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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

1. Identify your ITT equipment in eAuto via Status or Condition Codes. You may also want to add Bill Code and/or Tech specific to ITT.


Custom Property Set Up

Custom Property Set Up

Step 1: Create Attribute

Attribute name: ZCJShipOutDealer

Description: Ship Out Dealer for ID195

Data type: Lookup

Lookup type: 



Step 2: Add to Equipment Configuration

1. Select ZCJShipOutDealer from Available attribute(s) drop down

2. Select Quick Add (no default value)

3. Be sure to select OK to save



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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID318 - ITT Ship Out Revenue Allocations SSRS Report

ID594 - Sales/Service Messages for ITT Equipment

ID890 - Servicing Dealer Sync ITT

ID930 -Never pay two ITT Vendors for same ITT Contract

ID932 - ITT Ship Out Agreement

ID945 - Tracking ITT Ship In / Ship Out Relationships


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