
ECI Hosted Clients - How to Access CEOJuice on demand SSRS Reports & Apps

Clients who are ECI Hosted (meaning your eAutomate server runs on ECIs servers) access their CEO Juice SSRS Reports and Apps differently than if your eAutomate was installed on your own server. The below documentation will show you how to access them.

You will need to log into ECIs hosted platform (ECI would have provided you a direct link to where your server is)

Screenshot 2024-11-08 at 9.41.12 AM.png

Once logged in, from the Remote Applications section you will see two folders referencing CEOJ.

CEOJReports is where our on demand SSRS reports will be installed for you to run

CEOJApps is where any Apps you turn on will be installed for you to run



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SSRS Reports

SSRS Reports

1. For new users, you will need to complete a one-time set in their eAuto Employee Record. Go to their Employee Record / Custom Properties tab. Select Configuration Employee

2. In Custom Property ZCJDomainUserID enter name of your ecihosted environment (based on your country per below)\your ecihosted login name

US Server format is: ecihosted\firstname.lastname

AUS/NZ Server format is: AU\firstname.lastname

EU/UK Server format is: ecicloud\firstname.lastname

(The ECi login name is typically your first name.last name this is setup and assigned by ECI)

3. Select OK to save the record.

4. Once the Employee Record is set, then user can access SSRS Reports via Remote Applications link in the ECi hosted environment:


5. User will see a listing of all SSRS Reports your company is subscribed to, similar to screenshot below. As your company subscribes to more CEO Juice SSRS Reports, they will automatically be installed at this location:


6. The user's permissions for e-automate determines which reports they will be able to run. For example, if the user has e-automate permissions to run Service Reports, then the user will be able to run any SSRS Reports that are for service. The name of each SSRS Report starts with the type of reports permission required. For example, [Service] Technician Productivity - ID204 requires the user have permissions to run Service Reports in e-automate.

7. If a user gets a 'ReportSecurity' error when running a report, then go to your [Test] SSRS Security Rights - ID708 to determine what is needed. Use THIS LINK to learn how this one works.


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1. Apps are accessed from inside the ECi hosted environment at Remote Applications: 


2. You will see a listing of all Apps your company is subscribed to. As your company subscribes to more CEO Juice Apps, they will automatically be installed at this location:


3. For new users (or if you receive a security error when trying to access an app), the Main Juice Contact will need to provide permissions to access each app. Please email to find out who that is.  

4. To provide a user access to any app, go to the Security App:


5. Select Add User - enter ecihosted\username


6. Enter ecihosted\User.Name:

**The ECi login name is typically (first name.last name)


7. Assign rights access for an app to the user by clicking the + button.

**Red means user currently does not have access to that app



8. Remove access to an app by clicking the - button

**Green means user currently has access to that app



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