
ID708 - SSRS Reports User Rights Overview & Sample

This simple SSRS report shows what permissions different e-automate users have for the CEOJuice SSRS reports.

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This SSRS report shows what permissions and access different e-automate users have for the CEOJuice SSRS reports. Note that anyone with access to SSRS reports can access and view ID708, but not all can make changes. Changes to access are not made within ID708, but rather in e-automate (employee records) and e-admin (user permissions) and those changes are made by those with permissions to make those changes. Note that users will be able to see all SSRS Reports in the SSRS Report list, but will only be able to access the ones they have permissions to.


Run Schedule:  On Demand

Type of Output: SSRS Report


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ID708 1.JPG

1. is the e-automate User Name from the Employee Record

2. is the User ID from the Employee Record

3. is how the Custom Property ZCJDomainUserID is currently set on the e-automate Employee Record

All other columns represent the SSRS ID report numbers. "Y" means the user has access to it and "N" means they do not.

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This report has no variables.


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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

Understand Which Permissions are Required for each Report:

The beginning of SSRS Reports will indicate which permissions the user must be granted in order to access the report. In the example below, ID587 requires Contracts access.

At the bottom of the ID708 SSRS Report you will see a key that provides which access is required for each SSRS report.

Event Output ID = the report ID #

Secured Objects = the permissions needed in e-admin as they appear in e-admin

Secured Objects Description = the description for the permissions needed



How to Ensure Proper Setup by User:

The report represents user setup and access to SSRS reports. See below on how this setup and access is established and managed.

1. In e-automate the user's employee record must be properly set up to have their User ID and ZCJ_DomainUserID custom property completed. Click this LINK for further detail on ensuring the security is set up properly. Know that you may be able to spot any errors in the setup by viewing the User Rights in the ID708 SSRS report, for example a missing User ID or Domain User missing the back-slash. 

ID708 1.JPG

2. In e-admin, ensure the users have the permissions required for any SSRS report you want them to have access to.



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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

Unlike our other SSRS report, you cannot subscribe to this report. We automatically install this for all of our auto deploy clients with SSRS Reports. If you do not see this report in your SSRS reports, please reach out to



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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

All SSRS Reports

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