
ID656 - Call Opened of Call Type Category OR Call Type OR Priority OR Bill Code OR SLA Code Overview & Sample:

To notify of specific types of Service Call created. This alert will advise you when a call of specified Call Type Category OR Call Type OR Priority OR Bill Code OR SLA Code is opened.

Overview | Samples | Variables | Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips |  Related Alerts

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You might want the sales rep on an account to be notified when a call is opened with a call type of "Machine Down". This alert will advise you when a call of Call Type Category W, Call Type X, Priority Y, Bill Code Z is opened or SLA Code. If a call is opened with another Category or Type and is later changed to match, the alert will trigger on the call at that time.

Run Schedule: every 15-minutes

Type of Output: Email


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Variable W: Enter Call Type Categories to trigger on, separated by comma, otherwise 'N/A' to not consider for this alert


Variable X: Enter Call Types to trigger on, separated by comma, otherwise 'N/A' to not consider for this alert


Variable Y: Enter Call Priorities to trigger on, separated by comma, or 'N/A' to not consider for this alert


Variable Z: Enter Bill Code(s) to trigger on, separated by comma, or 'N/A' to not consider for this alert


Variable 3: Enter SLA Code(s) to trigger on, separated by comma, or 'N/A' to not consider for this alert


Variable 2: Enter Branch numbers to limit which alert fires on (list multiple branches separate by commas), leave blank for ALL branches.

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Alert Functionality

1. Considers all variable entries as OR (not AND), to determine which calls qualify for alert emails.

2. If a call is opened without meeting any of the codes set in your variables, but then changes, alert will notify at that time.

It will ALSO re-trigger on a Call which leaves a triggering state and then returns to that state (so if they flip a code and then flip it back you will receive email again).


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Best Practices & Tips

-None needed at this time



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Related Alerts

ID507 - Alert to advise Call Completed based on Call Type and/or Call Type Category


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