
DNUID890 - Set up Customer and Tech per Dealer Sync (Step 2)

**Please use these instructions as Step 2 in set up for ID890/Dealer ITT Sync**

For every dealer you work with, you will need to set up a unique CustomerRecord and Technician eAuto Employee Record. Each unique record will contain Custom Property zcj_DealerNumber (Variable3) populated with the other dealers CEO Juice Customer Number.

Please remember:

Ship In equipment (you service), the Equipment Record MUST have BillTo of the Other Dealer

Ship Out equipment (you do not service), the Equipment Record MUST have Technician assignment of the Other Dealer

**Be sure not to have both set on one Equipment Record (this will cause issues for the sync process**

You probably already have the Bill To set to the selling dealer for your ShipIns, just ask Juice for the other dealer's Juice # or select from our CheckList.
AAA is # 302

Add the Dealer Number (zcj_DealerNumber) and Initial Date (zcj_DealerInitDate) you wish to start syncing with this dealer: 



For all your ShipOuts you need to have a technician for each dealer who does service for you. The Custom Property on this Tech/Employee needs that same dealer #.



Best Practice suggestions for set up:

1. Set Employee Number so first few digits can be the same for all ITT Tech Employee Records you will need to set up (i.e. ZITTDealerName). This will enable you to have these tech records outside range of employee number for easy exclusion when creating reports, eViews, etc.1.png

2. Be sure to check off Technician box

3. Be sure Burden Rate is $0.00 (otherwise call labor entries will hit as labor expense)

4. Can set Warehouse/Bin to Main Defaults


5. Be sure tech is set as qualified for ALL equipment


6. Service Hours Code MUST reflect 24 hours, 7 days per week to allow for time zone differences in syncing between dealers. 




7. Be sure to set Custom Properties

zcj_DealerInitDate - date to start syncing with this dealer to prevent syncing/duplicating already opened service calls

zcj_DealerNumber - CEOJuice's dealer number 



**NOW proceed to Step 3 for further system set up**


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