AR Statistics with Invoice details as CSV file for excel import. This is just a data dump of AR data and measurements for your use and review. It can, for instance, be used to benchmark customers' late pay tendencies, or to provide overall metrics on your AR process.It's designed to give you a handy spreadsheet to play with so you can 'eyeball' potential problems and quickly sort against different fields to 'gut check' certain trends.
VariableW - Number of Days to look back, defaults to 180
Customer Name
Invoice #
Due Date
Invoice Date
Total - face value of invoice
First Pay Date - date of first payment applied to this invoice (assumes possibility of partial payment)(this is NOT the date it was applied, but the date monies were received)
Pay Full Date - date invoice was paid in full (assumes possibility of partial payment)(not date applied, as above)
Due day - When final payment was received relative to due date (negative # means before, positive # means after)
Billed da(te) - # of days after invoice date that last payment was received
Terms - of individual invoice
Days l(ate) - How many days after due date last payment was received
Last update - system record, irrelevant and please disregard