
ID387 - No AR Contact with Email Overview & Sample:

This alert will let you know when there is a task in the AR console and the customer either lacks an AR contact or there is not an email address listed for the contact.

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Mailing invoices is an expensive exercise, between $0.50 and $1 per invoice. The biggest challenge to emailing invoices is a valid AR contact with email. This alert triggers when your Accounts Receivable person is working on a company in the AR console; if that company does not have an AR contact with email, we send an email reminder.

Note that the Creator Checkbox advises the creator of the AR Task if triggering because the linked Contact has no e-mail address, or the creator of the Customer Record if the ARContact is missing or incomplete.

Each AR contact should be marked as email preferred and include an email address, this allows invoices to be quickly and easily emailed from the AR console. 

Run Schedule: Every 2 hours

Type of Output: Email


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Variable W: Contact Task Types to trigger on. Leave blank to trigger on all task types or enter types to trigger on separated by a comma.

**Contact Task Types can be created in Lists and codes, select the list for Contact task types:


Variable X: Branch numbers to trigger on. Leave blank for all, or enter branch numbers to trigger on, separated by a comma.



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. Alert will trigger when there is AR Task with a contact and is missing AR Contact on Customer Record and/or missing email:

- No AR Contact on Customer Record


- No email address on AR Contact Record (alert doesn't validate email address, but if it is missing @ sign in email address, will trigger for no email address):


missing @sign in email address:


2. If no Contact associated with Task, then alert will NOT consider for reporting at all. (If not worth putting on task, then no need to report on):


-CreatorID on alert email is user assigned to Task:


3. Alert does NOT require AR Contact Record be linked to Customer Record, though this is considered Best Practice


4. Alert can be cloned, so you can have multiple subscriptions running at the same time enabling you to have different recipients receive the alert based on different variable settings. This will ONLY work if you have at least on variable set differently for each subscription. To create a clone, just select the plus + sign below your existing subscription:


5. Alert will consider Task Type(s) listed in VariableW. If VariableW left blank, then will report on ALL Task Types




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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

1. See this post on best practices for AR tasks.

2. If the alert triggers for no AR contact set, check the creatorID and then let that user know to add the AR contact when they are creating the customer record. If the alert triggers for no email on the contact, the creatorID is the user who created the contact, let them know to always add an email address when creating a new contact.

3. The AR contact is set on the customer record. Edit the customer record (1) and click on the Contacts tab (2). Use the drop-down for Accounts receivable contact (3) to set the AR contact for the customer. (Right below the AR contact is where you can choose the invoice method for the customer: Print, Email or Fax


Contact records should have a valid email (1) listed and the preferred contact method set to email (2):


Additionally, the contact record should be linked to the customer. To do this, click on the Customers tab (1) and then add the customer and the contacts Job title (2):



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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID213 - AR Collection letter (Mini Statements) with past due bucket Amounts 

ID766  - Contact not associated to Customer Issue


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