
ID895 Message from Tech to Sales Overview & Sample:

Gives Tech the ability to send note to Sales Rep with Service Call details, Contact Info, etc.

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If a tech was onsite repairing a machine and noticed that the competition had a demo in, then this is a quick way for them to let sales know without wondering who the sales person is. Plus if you pay a lead bonus there will be a record. Could also just be that the tech thinks the machine needs replacing or that the customer was asking about features only available on newer models.


Run Schedule:  every 15-minutes

Type of Output: Email


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Variable W: Note Type to be used when tech adds note(s) to Call

Variable X: Branch Numbers to trigger on, separated by comma, or leave blank for ALL



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. Alert shows details of Service Call and the Note entered by Tech (using Note Type listed in VariableW) with time stamp.

2. Tech must use Note Type listed in VariableW in order for email to send.


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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

1. Add all best practices, things to consider in eAutomate, for example add a screenshot of service codes and where to find them in eAutomate.

2. Creating Note Type in eAuto:

Go to Tools / Lists & Codes / Note Types:

Note type: AdviseRep

Description: Tech to Advise Rep - ID895


To ensure techs can use the Note Type:

ID895 RT permissions.png

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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID320 - Where You Keep Sales Rep Assignment


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