
ECIs PO Processor/PO Receiver and tracking numbers:

See this post on PO Processor and pushing in tracking info for ID200 

If you are using ECIs PO Processor/PO Receiver (EA version 7.6 or higher), there is integration for those products with certain vendors - more here

1. The receive option will create a shipment record and also post the Tracking number on the shipment record
2. There is an eAgent task that can optionally be used to fulfill the SO (POP doesn’t do that directly)
3. The PO Remarks get the Tracking number and also the Shipment record for the SO

These are the current vendors supported in POProcessor that will write back the tracking numbers to eAutomate.
LMI Solutions
Micro Solutions
Parts Now (their technology is a bit dated so this isn’t the best integration)
Supplies Network

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