
ID87 - Reminder to Link a Contact & Email Address on a Service Call Overview & Sample:

Emails when a new service call is entered and no contact with an email address is linked.

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This process emails person who created the service call within 15 minutes if they forgot to add a contact and email address in the "Caller Contact" field of the service call.

Capturing customers' contact information is a critical component to communicating effectively to your customers. One of the best places to capture this information is when service calls are placed. If the contact is not in e-automate, your dispatchers should take the extra minute to capture the caller's name, phone, and email address.


Run Schedule: Every 15 minutes

Type of Output: Email


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Variable W: Custom Property used to exclude a customer from the service call survey. Default is ZCJDisableCallSurveys and should match your settings in the ID109 subscription

Variable X: Contact Category used to exclude a contact from the service call survey. Default is ZCJDNS109 and should match your settings in the ID109 subscription

Variable Y: List branch numbers for alert to trigger on, if blank will trigger for ALL branches in e-automate



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. This alert looks at Corrective Maintenance (CM) category type calls, and alerts within 15 minutes if a new call is entered of that category and NO contact with an email has been linked using the drop down:


If no contact record has been created, you will need to create a new contact record first:



Enter the contact's first name, last name and email address. It is NOT a requirement to select email as the preferred method of contact in the contact record.


2. If a customer or contact has opted out of receiving the service call survey, the alert WILL NOT trigger for that service call if the contact is not linked:

Opt out customer:


Opt out contact only:



3. Click here for a process to provide visualization to your dispatchers in real time (while they are on the phone to a client), that this contact has previously stated they do not wish to provide an email address. It will avoid dispatchers repeatedly asking every time a call is placed. NOTE - this is just a visualization for dispatchers.

4. Note: This task WILL UPDATE your new rescheduled service call contact info with the original call's caller contact information if the rescheduled call has dropped that information. There is a fault in the ECI reschedule process that sometimes drops the associated contact record calls that are created automatically by e-automate's incomplete/reschedule process.


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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

1. We highly recommend setting this alert to go to the creator of the service call, i.e. the dispatcher who entered the transaction in e-automate, by selecting 'Creator' box in the subscription. If additional emails are needed, add them in the CC field of the subscription.

2. There is a setting available to automatically link the "Equipment Contact" on the equipment record to the service call. We highly recommend NOT using this function as contacts change. This setting is located in Tools/Options/Service Calls as shown here:


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Related Alerts

Related Alerts


ID188 - Daily summary of service calls invoiced, highlighting service calls that did or did not have a contact with an email address linked



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