
ID420/ID421/ID422 - Lease Returns Overview & Sample:

This is a series of three alerts (ID420, ID421, and ID422) that will track your competitively replaced lease returns, to ensure that the non-renew letter is sent on time and the equipment returned in time to the leasing company.

Overview | Samples | Variables | Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips |  Related Alerts

Click to Subscribe to ID420

Click to Subscribe to ID421

Click to Subscribe to ID422



We can help you track your competitively replaced lease returns with this series of alerts, ID420, ID421 and ID422. Many dealers now store competitive equipment as the leasing companies will not take it back before lease end. Ensuring that these leases do not renew, and the equipment gets returned in a timely manner, is imperative to keeping your margins. 

This series of alerts is based on using equipment status, so all your competitive leases need an equipment record (The equipment does not need to be brought in to inventory, but must have an active equipment record). The alerts use custom properties set on the equipment record to track when to send the end of lease letter, the date the equipment needs to be returned by, and the date the equipment was actually shipped back to the leasing company. Note that these processes do not send any notices to your customers directly and only send notice within your organization to those listed as recipients on the alert subscription.

ID420 will alert you a set number of days before the end of lease termination letter needs to be sent to the leasing company to ensure your customer submits the letter in time. ID421 will alert you a set number of days before the equipment needs to be returned to the leasing company to ensure that you get the equipment returned. ID422 will send you a list of equipment in the monitored status that is missing needed custom properties.


Run Schedule: Monday mornings for ID420 and ID421, Daily for ID422

Type of Output: Email


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ID420 Variables

Every Variable in RED is required:



Variable W: - # of days before the lease end date you want the alert to remind you to ask the customer to send the letter

Variable X: - (Default name is ZCJLeaseEndDate, type is Date) - name of the Custom Property set on the Equipment record indicating the lease end date

Variable Y: - (Default name is ZCJMustRtnLeaseEqpBy, type is Date, to match ID421/VariableX) - name of the Custom Property on the Equipment record indicating when you received a copy of the letter from your customer to the leasing company (assumption is that it was sent to leasing company at the same time it was sent to you). You will update this value AGAIN when the leasing company advises of the must-by-returned-by date on the Eqp. (**This custom property must be on the configuration for ID420 to report correctly, it can be blank.)

Variable Z: - Eqp Statuses (per the Eqp record) the alert should trigger on, separated by a comma - yes, you must put values here else the alert will not fire

Variable 1: - (Default name is ZCJLeasingCompany type is VendorLookup) - name of the Custom Property on the Equipment record indicating the name of the leasing company the equipment is leased with

Variable 2: - (Default name is ZCILeasingCustomer, type is CustomerLookup) - name of the Custom Property on the Equipment record indicating the name of the customer who incurred the lease on the equipment (you may find yourself holding that Eqp until time-to-return, and if so you should re-set the Customer on the Equipment Record to your Company Customer so you can properly indicate where the Eqp's physical location is. This value lets you track who's-lease-is-it-still-on after that's done)


ID421 Variables

Every Variable in RED is required:


Every Variable below is required:

Variable W: - #  of days before Eqp is due to be returned to lease company when you want the alert to remind you to return it

Variable X: -  name of the Custom Property (Default name is ZCJMustRtnLeaseEqpBy, type is Date, to match ID420/VariableY) on equipment record indicating when you received a copy of the letter from your customer to the leasing company (assumption is that it was sent to leasing company at the same time it was sent to you). You will update this value AGAIN when the leasing company advises of the must-by-returned-by date on the equipment. ID421 uses this value to decide when to start reminding you to get the equipment returned.

Variable Y: -  name of the Custom Property (Default name is ZCJDateLeaseEqpReturned, type is Date) on the equipment record indicating when you actually confirmed that equipment was returned to the leasing company (date equipment was shipped back)

Variable Z: - Eqp Status (only one, not multiples, per the Eqp record) the alert should trigger on  - yes, you must put a value here or else the alert will not fire


Variable 1: - you can optionally associate a Job that you set up for each Sales Rep. The Job should have the Rep, reps mgr, and sales admin person for the rep as 'contacts' and the alert will send any pertinent email alerts to all contacts on that Job.

Variable 2: - (Default name is ZCJCustomerContact, the type is ContactLookup) - the name of the Custom Property on the Equipment record indicating the name of the contact at the customer responsible for coordinating ship-out

Variable 3: - Custom Property for Originating Customer on the Equipment Record (default ZCJLeasingCustomer)

Variable 4: - Enter in here the custom property attribute name that you created to store the contact link (linked to the EA Contacts) for the ITT selling dealers contact you want to use to request pick-up return instructions. If you do not populate this attribute, then no ITT message will email will be sent.

Variable 5: - If you are using this process to send an email to a ITT ship-in dealer contact requesting them to provide return instructions for equipment you pickup on their behalf, enter in the EquipmentStatus you will be using for triggering the email to the ITT contact here. 

Variable 6: - Optional custom property to store the date the equipment is 'stored' to show 'Days Stored' on output (available in revision 2021.05.21 and on)

Variable 7: - Enter branch numbers you want the alert to consider, separated by comma, else leave blank for all branches.  (available in 2021.05.21 revision and later)


ID422 Variables

Every Variable in RED is required:


Every Variable below is required:

Variable W:  - Eqp Status (only one, not multiples, per the Eqp record) of Eqp to check for proper Custom Property entry

Variable X: - Name of the Custom Property configuration which contains all the ID420/ID421 Custom Properties


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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. Must set what the "Equipment Status" will be for any lease return equipment. All three alerts require the one status to be set, see this post on how to create Equipment Status(es).

2. Please note Equipment Record must still be set as Active in order for our alerts to consider.

3. ID420 will alert you a set number of days before the end of lease termination letter needs to be sent to the leasing company to ensure your customer submits the letter in time. ID421 will alert you a set number of days before the equipment needs to be returned to the leasing company to ensure that you get the equipment returned. ID422 will send you a list of equipment in the monitored status that is missing needed custom properties.


For ID420 to properly trigger on equipment:

1. The equipment record must be active.

2. The status of the equipment must match to Variable Z.

3. The custom property in Variable Y must be BLANK.

4. The date in Variable X is within the range per the setting in Variable W.

In other words, the equipment record is active and has the matching status sent. The custom property to track the lease end date (Variable X) is set and when that date is within the number of days set in Variable W, the alert will trigger and send the list of equipment that needs to have the end of lease letter sent. 

The custom property indicating the date the equipment should be returned (Variable Y) should be BLANK at this point, as you do not know the date to return the equipment at this point. Once the end of lease letter has been sent, update this custom property with the date the letter was sent. Once this date is filled in, the alert will no longer trigger on this equipment record.

This field would be updated again, once the actual date the equipment needs to be returned is known.

**Keep in mind that ID420 only runs weekly when setting the number of days to be reminded of the letter to be sent to the leasing company.**

For ID421 to properly trigger on equipment:

1. Equipment record must be active

2. The status of the equipment must match to Variable Z.

3. The model on the equipment record must be set as a host.

4. The date in the custom property on Variable X must be within the days set in Variable W, OR if both Variable X and Y are blank, the alert will trigger with "Missing!" in the date due back column.

In other words, the equipment record must be active and the model must be marked as a host. Once the date set in the custom property in Variable X is within the days set in Variable W, the alert will trigger and let you know that the equipment needs to be returned to the leasing company. The alert will also trigger for equipment records where both the return due date and the date equipment shipped back custom properties are blank and will show Missing! in the due back column of the alert output.

Once returned to the leasing company, update the custom property in Variable Y to show the date the equipment was returned. Once that property is updated, the alert will stop reporting on the equipment record.

**Keep in mind that ID421 only runs once a week when setting the number of days to trigger the alert**

ID422 will send a daily list of equipment that has the status indicated in Variable W and has the custom property configuration assigned in Variable X that is missing any custom properties needed to trigger alerts ID420 or ID421.


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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

Custom Properties to be set up:

 Custom Properties:

ZCJCustomerContact - Contact at customer for lease return, use lookup and contact emails as lookup type.

ZCJDateLeaseEqpReturned - Date equipment was sent back, date type

ZCJLeaseEndDate - Date the lease ends, date type.

ZCJLeasingCompany - Leasing company equipment will be returned to, customer lookup.

ZCJLeasingCustomer - Name of the customer that the equipment was leased to, customer lookup

ZCJMustRtnLeaseEqpBy - Initially used for the date the end of lease letter is sent to the leasing company. Field is updated again when the leasing company provides the date that the equipment needs to be returned by. Date type.

For questions on custom property set up, see this link. If you have any questions on these custom properties, please email


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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

None at this time.


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