
CEO Juice top 10 alerts

This is a list of the alerts the Juice team expects will have the biggest impact on your business. Some are easy to implement, some require lots of initial set up. Rated with the most must have at the top, each has a Easy/Medium/Tough next to it, this refers to the amount of work involved/set up to get it going. Note we do most of the work for you when possible.

Note some alerts will also require us to install additional supporting alerts but we will remind you on these.


  1. ID109 - Service Call Survey (easy) more
  2. ID768 Worst profitable contracts, and ID150 on demand report. Also see 560 low profit contracts renewing - more 1st step is ID219 + Various - Ensure contracts are entered and billing correctly (easy)
  3. ID90 - Parts that don't meet warranty and may be eligible for refund (tough) - more
  4. ID315 - Customers using excessive toner (tough) - more, and ID758 biggest toner problem contracts.
  5. ID500 - Warn on inventory about to become obsolete while it still has a value (medium) - more
  6. ID72 tech carstock report and ID694 stale inventory bring back report. ID46 list of everything in/out of techs carstock. Also see ID677 ensure your tech inventory is counted every X days, 
  7. ID470 - Net Promoter Score and measuring customer satisfaction (easy) - more, ID559 - "Detractor" service call, warn when an unhappy customer places a service call (easy) - more
  8. ID181/ID54 - Keep your customers updated on the status of their service calls (easy) - info here
  9. ID204 - Technician Productivity - info here
  10. ID200/ID216 - Update customers on sales order, include UPS/Fedex tracking link, include survey (easy) - more
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