**Update as of 10/26/18: CEO Juice has created its own background tables in place of ECi's analytics tables. Our reporting no longer relies on ECi's tables. Please see THIS LINK for details. We have the troubleshooting tips below to help you resolve your issues, as well as a link at bottom for further detailed trouble shooting tips. Please contact ECi directly if you still need further assistance in resolving your analytics tables not updating. **
THE BELOW ASSUMES that you're seeing matching or nearly-matching dates for 'last processed' and last successfully updated'. If you're seeing, for instance, that the process is still firing nightly as it should but that 'last successfully updated' is several days old you probably have a corrupted analytics DB. The solution you need to try is to Reset all analytics data using the da_configure executable (there should be a shortcut available from the desktop of the server where analytics is installed). Reach out to us for instructions or help if you need it.
If ID459 triggers to let you know that your analytics tables are not updating properly, the culprit is usually the Service which fires the table update. This service is installed on the server where you installed the analytics package (usually your production server, that's our recommendation) and every evening/early morning fires the executable which does the work of posting new and changed transaction data into the analytic tables. To find the service on that server so that you can check it, follow the steps below:
1) Open the Services window using one of the two methods below (typically on the same server CEO Juice services are running on):
2) Find the service named 'da_dataprocessservice' and restart it (by right clicking on it). Confirm it is Started, then open it by double-clicking.
**If after completing these steps you find no issues or if you have Started a Stopped service or re-set the credentials and you continue to receive notice of tables not updating, please go to THIS LINK for further troubleshooting tips.