
Reschedule a Service Call - Best Practice

Any time a tech leaves a call for any reason (even for a lunch break), the call should be marked Incomplete in e-automate. This will automatically create a second, re-scheduled call linked to the first. If multiple visits are required, each old call should be marked Incomplete and a new one opened. All of our reports assume this process is being followed, as do all of ECIs stock reports inside e-automate, and BEI reports if you subscribe to that service, it's basically an industry standard. If you are not re-scheduling separate visits to the customer you are making it impossible to track first-call-fix-rate and generating skewed data for tracking response time, among other things. Re-scheduling itself is an important metric that should be tracked, as it is a measure of efficiency and customer service. Every service department should be striving to get as close to 100% 1st call fixes as possible.

Right click and mark the call ‘Complete’ as normal



Ensure you are in the Standard Entry and NOT the Quick Entry

Fill in the labor, materials, problems/repairs, meter tabs as normal.

In the Miscellaneous tab, use the look up icon to select the code in ‘Reason for Incomplete’, for example ‘Need Parts’



E-automate will either attempt to create a rescheduled call or will ask you if you want to reschedule the call.

This depends on how the incomplete code is configured.


If the incomplete code selected is configured to place the rescheduled call on hold, e-automate displays the rescheduled Call Window


If ‘attention required’ window displayed and asks if you want to reschedule the call click ‘Yes’ to create a second call for this equipment,

you will see the rescheduled Stamp


*If a rescheduled call code should place a call on hold automatically but does not:

Go to Tools Menu, select Lists and Codes. In Select a List or Code Type field, use the dropdown menu to select Incomplete Codes.

Double click on the incomplete Code to edit. In Set Hold Status to field use the lookup icon to select the reason the rescheduled call

should be placed on hold. Click OK


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