Be notified weekly of devices no longer reporting via DCA collection
Jump to Overview | Samples | Variables | Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips | Related Alerts |
Keeping track of meters not reported by DCA (Data Collection Agent, i.e. FMAudit, PrintFleet) can be a labor-intensive process for your staff and can easily get pushed down on the "to do" list, which means less revenue for your organization. This alert will show which equipment records (with an active Contract Record) that had previously been collected by DCA (or other automation pushing data into e-automate) but are no longer being pushed in (they have 'fallen off' monitoring).
Run Schedule: Monday Mornings
Type of Output: Email
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Variable W: Enter # of days to look back for meter sources listed in Variable Y. This will identify equipment as considered monitored.
Variable X: Enter # of days to look back for a lack of automated meter reads (per Variable Y) to identify 'drop offs'
Variable Y: Meter Sources which indicate meter read from automation (FMAudit, Printfleet, etc.), separate multiples with comma
Variable Z: Branch number(s) for alert to trigger on (leave blank for ALL, separate multiple with comma)
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
1. Looks for meter readings with Meter Source(s) listed in Variable Y within the last Variable W days. When there is a match, then alert looks back Variable X days to see if another reported since. If not, the device is considered to be no longer monitored and will be listed on alert.
Active equipment
Active contracts
Equipment is currently on the contract (no end date)
Required meter
Active meter
Not a calculated meter (BW + Color = Total)
2. Only considers Equipment Record assigned to an active Contract Record.
3. Only considers required and active meters per Equipment Record:
4. Sorts by To Address (for branch role function), then branch, then equipment count, and finally location customer name.
5. Only reports Top 250 as any more than that isn't manageable each week. If needed, however, contact us at for a complete list.
6. Alert formatted so contents copy/paste into excel as needed for additional sorting, filtering, etc. Alert is not able to be sent each week via Excel.
7. Alert is not intended to find duplicates/repeated meters pushed into e-automate from your DCA. If the alert sees any meter read pushed in, then, by definition, the equipment has not "dropped off".
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
The next step is to determine why it is no longer reporting (has the machine been traded in, replaced by competitor, or is the monitoring no longer working?). Does it need to be taken off contract? If it is still an active device, then work with your service department to get it back online and/or get a manual meter reading so billing contract does not fall behind.
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID876 - Missing Meters
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