
ID876 - Missing Meters Overview & Sample:

This alert reports all meters due for billing in the next Variable X days where there is no indication that the meter read will be provided by DCA or other automation.

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This alert will send out a list of equipment that are due to be billed in the next Variable X days, and there is no indication that the meter will be supplied by an automated meter source. This list can be used by contract billing to chase on the meters that are needed so that billing is done promptly on the contract.

This alert will look back in e-automate for meters entered from automated sources to determine if a future automated meter will be entered. If the alert logic sees one of the meter sources you set in Variable Y in the past number of days set in Variable W, the alert will assume a new automated meter is coming and will not trigger for the equipment.

The alert will also ignore meters where the most recent meter read is less than Variable Z days old. For instance, if you bill meters within a ten-day threshold, you might set this to 7, so the alert won't trigger on meters that will be 'valid enough' if you bill the contract this week. You can set this variable to -1 to have the alert trigger for all equipment needing meters.


Run Schedule: Monday Mornings

Type of Output: Email


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Variable W: Number of days to look back. This variable is set with the number of days to look back in e-automate for a meter read of the source indicated in Variable Y for automated meters. This variable is required. The default value is 45.

Variable X: Number of days to look forward. This variable is set with the number of days to look forward in e-automate for equipment which will be due to bill meters. This variable is required. The default value is 30.

Variable Y: Meter Sources. This variable is set with the meter sources used in e-automate to indicate that the meter was pushed in via automation. The default values are FMAudit and Printfleet. Separate all entries with a comma. This variable is required.

Variable Z: Report only meters. This variable is used to set whether the alert will report only meters where the most recent meter read is more than Z days old. The default value of this variable is -1, which will cause the alert to report on all. This variable is required.

Variable 1: Branch Numbers. Enter the branch numbers for the alert to trigger on, leave blank to trigger on all branches. Separate multiple branches with a comma.



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

The meter sources can be found in Lists and Codes, under Meter sources. Enter the meter source shown in the first column in Variable Y:


You can check the meter history for the equipment in the meter reading console. If there is a meter entered within the past W days that has a source entered in Variable Y, the alert will not trigger for the equipment:



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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

 This alert can be set up to send to branch roles. Please see this link for more information on setting those up.



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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

See ID937 to be notified of records missing their automated meter


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