
ID8 - New Service Calls & Sales Orders OnHold Credit Overview & Sample:

Notifies of new Service Calls and/or Sales Orders On Hold

Overview | Samples | Variables | Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips |  Related Alerts |

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Alerts your accounts receivable person that a new service call or sales order has been placed and is on hold for the specified reason code. Will always report for CH/Credit Hold. Additional on hold codes can be entered into Variable W.


Run Schedule: Every 10 minutes

Type of Output: Email 


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Service Call:



Sales Order:



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Variable W: Enter additional On Hold Codes (CH included by default), separated by comma

Variable X: Enter Branch Numbers alert should fire on, (list multiple branches separate by commas). Leave blank to include ALL branches.

Variable Y: Select Transaction Type - Both Sales Orders and Service Calls, or just Sales Orders, or just Service Calls



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. The transactions included will be any that have been modified in the last three days. 

2. Alert will only trigger once for each time a transaction is put on hold.

3. Alert can be cloned by clicking on plus (+) sign below your existing subscription. This gives you the ability to send notice to different recipients based on VariableW On Hold Code(s) and/or VariableY Transactions Types.




Email Output Explained

Email Output Explained


1. This is the Bill To per the transaction, not Customer Record. AR Balances shown on the notification are those of the Bill To Customer.

2. This is the Sales Rep based on Transaction's Main Customer Record (not Bill To) per our ID320 background tables.

3. If Supply Order, shows Order Type. If Service Call, shows Call Type Category.

4. For Service Calls only. Is the time from Service Call creation until the time the alert triggers.

5. Equipment# shows only for Service Calls (as long as ID# linked to Service Call).

6. For Service Calls only. Is the Technician assigned to Service Call at the time the alert triggers.

7. If Supply Order, shows Ordered By Contact. If Service Call, shows Caller Contact from Service Call.


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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

1. Placing or releasing a hold on the customer record has no effect on any open transactions.


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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID583 - Details on a Service Call whose Hold Status has just changed


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