
NPS Benchmarks


We added a section to our survey dashboard to allow you to see how your Net Promoter Score compares to other dealers. Log in to then (1) select the Dashboard and (2) select NPS Benchmarks.

We allow you to filter the results by (1) date range, (2) dealer size and (3) the state the dealer in head quartered in.


Size Info

Size Info

We have noticed that smaller dealers who know all their customers by 1st name will typically have better customer satisfaction levels.

We base dealer size on the number of eAutomate licenses each dealer has as we can easily track that number and have found that it tends to be close to revenue. So a dealer with 10 eAuto licenses will be roughly a $10m revenue dealer. We then group then as below:

Once you have added the filters you want then the site will show your data compared to the industry with those filters. So if you are a dealer in California that has 30 or so eAuto licenses you can see not just NPS data but surveys sent and % responses.


Click here for some NPS benchmarks compiled by Satmetrix.

Go here to give us feedback on what else you would like to see.

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