
ID258 - QBR - Variables

This report can be run like our normal SSRS reports from a browser. It can also be requested by the sales reps from within your CRM. We will we email the user requesting the report from your CRM within 15 minutes an Excel file (assuming they have security). The SSRS version can be exported to Excel and will then look exactly the same as the version the rep gets.

Click here for where to find your SSRS reports.

As sales have no control over the report parameters, we allow you to adjust these via variables in the alert (details below).

Click here for how to set up the Compass interface and how the rep requests the report in Compass.

Anyone listed in the To: / CC: section of your ID258 alert subscription will also receive the QBR requested from Compass. (BCC: will not send to anyone as it is intentionally not connected)

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**Please note the variables in your subscription also effect your SSRS Report. The months of history filter on the SSRS Report will NOT override your Variable1 setting.


Variable W | Variable Z | Variable 1 | Variable 3 | Variable 4

Meter Collection - Variable W and Variable Z

Ideally we want all our meter collection automated and as part of the account review sales should focus on where we are still having to collect meters manually. To do this, we need to identify meters collected manually versus those automated.

Web Meter Sources (Variable Z)


The meter sources in e-automate that indicate meter reading comes from e-Info or any other web portal customers use to enter meters (i.e. Web is default Meter Source in e-Info), separated by a comma. Please note: since this report pulls historical data, be sure to include inactive Meter Source(s) used in the past.

Automated Meter Sources (Variable W)


The Meter Sources in e-automate that indicate meter reading came from a meter capture tool (i.e. FMAudit or PrintAudit), separated by a comma. Please note: since this report pulls historical data, be sure to include inactive Meter Source(s) used in the past


Max Months to Report to Rep - Variable 1

You decide how much data your reps need to have.

Max Months of History Allowed (Variable 1)


The maximum number of months of history to this report is restricted to. This is primarily intended to keep your server from being overloaded by a large request. We don't recommend setting this for more than 12 months as there is maximum amount of information SSRS reports are capable of reporting, and it is really intended to be a Quarterly (not annual) Business Review.



Call Types for Service Metrics - Variable 3 and Variable 4

A helpdesk agent who closes a call over the phone in minutes is a very different metric to a tech who must go onsite to close a call and mixing these metrics can give confusing results. As dealers do more IT-related calls, this becomes a bigger issue.

Response Time Service Metrics (Variable 3)


Response time has morphed into a lot of different translations, and we aren't going to tell clients it's only one way. So this variable allows you control using the Call Type Category from e-automate:

CM for Corrective Maintenance
PF for Phone Fix
PM for Preventative Maintenance
SH for Shop
IR for Install/Delivery
CC for Courtesy Call

You can see the Call Type code/category assigned to each Call Type via Tools/ Lists & Codes / Call Types:


Suppress Call Details? (Variable 4)

Variable 4: Enter 'Yes' to suppress call details on the report, or 'No' to append them. Note that this setting affects both the automation and the direct running of the report on the SSRS server.  Exposed details (if any) will appear on the Service Calls detail page.


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