
ID845 - Forecast Sale Close Date Expired Overview & Sample:

To ensure accurate data is in the sales pipeline, use this alert to make sure the salesperson updates the expected close date in Compass Sherpa.

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To ensure accurate data is in the sales pipeline, use this alert to make sure the salesperson updates the expected close date if it is in the past. VariableW Grace Period applies to "To Sales Mgr" only, Sales Reps and emails listed in to/cc/bcc will get everything. (requires minimum 4.0 version for Compass Sherpa/WhiteCup)


Run Schedule:  Daily

Type of Output: Email


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To Rep:


To Sales Manager:



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Variable W: Grace period (in days) to report expired opportunity is reported to sales rep manager only

Variable 1: List, separated by comma, the stages in Compass Sherpa that should be excluded from reporting


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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. Sends email each day showing any Opportunities in Compass Sherpa that have expired. 

2. Two emails are sent each day.  First one goes to the Sales Rep for their opportunities, the second goes to the Sales Rep Managers as a summary for all of their reps' opportunities.  The recipients listed in the To/CC fields in the subscription will receive all emails sent to reps individually as well as the summary that is sent to the managers.  




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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

1. If needed, we can change the schedule to weekly (from daily). If so, then note the grace period you set in VariableW should be either 0 or 7.  If you want the reps reports to match what is going to the managers, then set to 0. If you want to give a grace period to give the Sales Rep a chance to clean up their opportunities before reporting to the manager, then set it to 7 so they won't report until the following week.


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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

Please see THIS LINK for all our Compass Sherpa related alerts


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