
ID105 - Active Customer Record with Inactive Parent or Bill To Overview & Sample:

This alert will report on Active Customer records with inactive associations, such as inactive parent customer or inactive bill-to customer.

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Customer records in e-automate cannot be deleted, they can be inactivated though, which means they are not available in the Drop-Down search lists within the various modules, i.e. Sales Orders, Equipment Records, Contracts, etc... As records are inactivated, sometimes users don't realize that they might be deactivating an account that is actually the Bill-To or Parent of other accounts, thereby creating some potential problems. This alert checks all active customers and reports those that are a location (child) of an inactive account and/or the bill-to on that account is no longer active.


Run Schedule: Daily at 7:30 AM

Type of Output: Email


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This alert has no variables.


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Alert Functionality

One thing to keep in mind is this is merely an alert to let you know where possible problems could arise.  It does not contain any logic to write to your system.


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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices for setting up the Parent/Child Relationship in this post. 



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Related Alerts

ID345 - Inactive Sales Rep assigned to Active Customer

ID156 - Make Customer Record Inactive


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