
ID739 - Active Metered Contracts No Base Charge and No Base Clicks Overview & Sample:

Provides a list of active contracts that have meter groups but do not bill a base or allowances.

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This alert identifies active contracts in the system that are not billing a base amount and do not have allowances but do have meter groups set up. When a contract is set up this way, it will not bill the customer for a minimum service amount and instead bills the customer per copy. 

This alert is helpful because some dealers do not allow contracts without minimums or like to keep a close eye on their contracts that do not bill minimums. This alert can help identify contract setup errors or bring attention to contract being written this way. 


Run Schedule:  Monthly; 1st of the month in the A.M.

Type of Output: Email


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ID739 Sample Blurred.jpg


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ID739 1.JPG

Variable W: Enter how many days you want the alert to look back in time for when the contract was created

Variable XEnter which branches you want included in this alert and separate them by comma or leave blank for ALL



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. Alert reviews the Meter Groups tab on active contracts in eAutomate to see if one or more Meter Groups are present and if they have zero allowances listed.

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2. With Meter Groups being present, the alert checks to see if there is a base amount billing anywhere on the contract. The fields where bases can be billed are in the Meter Groups, on the Equipment, and on the Installment Based Billing tab as shown below.

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3. When results are found to have Meter Groups set up with zero allowances and no base amount set up to bill, the alert includes these instances in the emailed output. 


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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

It is recommended that whenever possible your contracts should contain a minimum base/allowance amount to bill to your customers. This ensures steady revenue to cover expenses on the contract over time. 



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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

 ID160 - Contracts With Specified BillCode Missing Meter Group Or No Rate Or No Overage Billing Cycle Overview & Sample

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