
ID835 - Time Block Based Contract Snapshot Overview & Sample:

This alert provides a snapshot of your active time block based contracts, showing the unearned balance and hours remaining.

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This alert provides a snapshot of your active time block based contracts, showing the unearned balance and hours remaining. This allows you to monitor activity and make adjustments accordingly when a client is low or consistently has no activity.


Run Schedule:  Weekly on Tuesday afternoon

Type of Output: Email


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The output of this alert contains the Contract Number, Customer Name and Number, Unearned Balance of the Contract and the Hours remaining on the Contract. 

ID835 1.JPG


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This alert has no variables.


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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. This alert reviews active Service Contracts in eAutomate that are set up as Deposit Based Billing

2. Once contracts are located, the alert retrieves the contract's remaining hours or unearned balance

First screen shot below shows a deposit based contract that tracks its balance in dollars, the second screen shot shows a deposit based contract that tracks its balance in hours.

ID835 2.JPG

ID835 3.JPG



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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

Determining which Contract Types in your system are setup as Deposit Based Billing:

1. In eAutomate select Tools from the top toolbar, then select List and Codes

ID835 4.JPG

2. From the List or Code Type dropdown select Contract Type

ID835 5.JPG

3. The list of Contract Types will appear. To see if one of the types is setup as Deposit Based, highlight the row for that Contract Type and click Edit from the options in the upper-left side.

ID835 6.JPG

4. The Contract Type will open up, and if the Deposit Based Billing is selected as the Billing Method then this Contract Type is setup as Deposit Based

ID835 7.JPG


Click this link to see our documentation on setting up time based contracts.

Note that this alert does not have the ability to consider eAutomate Advanced Bill Codes




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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID687 - Deposit Based Contract History Detail Report for Customer Reconciliation Overview & Sample

ID313 - Deposit Based Contract Drops Below X Overview & Sample


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