Notifies tech when new machine or reassigned in territory
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Technicians can complain that they don't know a new machine is in their territory until it needs service, this will alert them when installed or just reassigned from another tech to their territory.
Run Schedule: Weekdays AM
Type of Output: Email
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Variable W: Employee Record User ID to ignore (i.e. Unassigned Tech), separate mutliple with comma
Variable X: Number of days AFTER Equipment Record created before alert considers (allowing you time to complete whatever business practice assigns techs to new equipment)
Variable Y: Branch numbers alert fires on (list multiple branches separate by commas). Leave blank for ALL branches.
Variable Z: lnclude equipment that is a model classified as an accessory (Yes/No)
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
-Only sends notice/email once
-The first time it fires, email will include all equipment records with create date of VariableX + 30 days
-If tech changed yesterday, then newly assigned tech will receive email today (old tech will NOT receive email)
-If set to send to Tech and Tech Manager, then Tech Manager will receive one email per tech. If only to Tech Manager then one email per day for all his/her techs.
-Anyone listed in To/CC/BCC will receive one email per tech. If send to Tech is not, but manager is set, then get summary by tech mgr. If no tech, tech mgr, or branch role selected, then one email for all that day for all.
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
None at this time
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID171 - Active Host Equipment with UnAssigned or Default as technician
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