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Overview | How to Find | Filter Options | RevCostType Definitions | Column Explanations | Customizing the eView | Tips
e-automate's Analytic Tables are a very popular tool for analyzing contract profit. Unfortunately, the tables are very unstable and CEO Juice decided in 2018 to move away from them. The majority of our reports no longer use Analytics.
Many people used the e-views that came with Analytics, in particular the Service Contracts (Analytics) and Customer Transaction Details (Analytics). However, without CEO Juice ensuring Digital Analytics was updating correctly, these became impossible to rely on.
Run Schedule: NONE
Type of Output: e-view
How to Find:
This e-view is available under System, named CEOJuice Contract and Transactional Analysis will install automatically for our auto deploy clients. Requires Service e-view permissions.
(The e-view can't be edited/customized. Sorry, it comes packaged as is.) If you'd like to share this e-view with someone in your organization who isn't e-view savvy, click here for suggestions on how to handle.
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Filter Options:
You can filter e-view by many filter options:
These three columns do not automatically show as available filters and columns shown in e-view:
Contract Meter Group: Name of Meter Group from Contract Record
Group Covered Copies: Allowance on Meter Group
Group Cost per Copy: Cost per Copy rate on Meter Group
You can add manually here via a Custom e-view:
RevCostType Definitions:
There are many RevCostTypes on the e-view, so here are some definitions:
AP Voucher Eqp/Item
AP Voucher Contract - AP invoice linked to Contract Record
AP Voucher Customer - AP invoice linked to
Billed Overage Rev/Clicks - per invoice posting of revenue and clicks on the invoiced period
Cost Labor - see screenshot below from invoiced service call
Cost Mileage - see screenshot below from invoiced service call
Cost Travel - see screenshot below from invoiced service call
The quantity column for RevCostType of Cost Labor, Mileage, and Travel corresponds to invoice screenshot above:
Contract Base Adj - manual adjustment to contract base billing to increase/decrease amount billed
Contract Base Adj Eqp - equipment level manual adjustment to contract base billing to increase/decrease amount billed
Contract Base Eqp - equipment level base rate revenue distribution amount
Contract Overage Adj - manual adjustment to contract overage billing to increase/decrease amount billed
Contract Overage Adj Dist - equipment level manual adjustment to contract overage billing to increase/decrease amount billed
Contract Misc Charge - Misc Charges set at Contract Level
Contract Misc Charge Eqp - Misc Charges set at Equipment Level on Contract Record
Contract Overage - prorated overages across the periods
Contract Base Eqp Accrual - reflects base rate (by Date Period) per equipment, separated by BLK & CLR
Contract Base Meter - Base Rates set at Meter Group Level
Call Materials - Service Call Items/Materials Used
Call Materials Reversed - Voided Service Call Items/Materials Used
Call Misc Charge Reversed - Voided Misc Charge assessed on Service Call
Call Labor - Service Call Labor Record Entries
Call Labor Reversed - Voided Service Call Labor Record Entries
Call Mileage - Service Call Mileage Entries
Call Mileage Reversed - Voided Service Call Mileage Entries
Call Travel - Service Call Travel Time Entries
Call Travel Reversed - Voided Service Call Travel Time Entries
Call Misc Charge - Misc Charge assessed on Service Call
GL Entry - GL entries entered
Lease - per lease info on Contract Record (this is NOT pulling from Service Lease record in e-auto)
Lease Eqp -per lease info on Contract Record (this is NOT pulling from Service Lease record in e-auto)
Misc Invoice Credit Debit - any misc invoice (credit or debit) created
Sales Fulfill - any type of Sales Order generated
Column Explanations:
There are three different period columns (in YYYYMM format) represented in this e-view to allow for varying clients needs and uses:
[Fiscal Period]: The YYYYMM of the Fiscal Period this transaction is recorded in, based on your Fiscal Year set in e-auto (i.e. if calendar date on invoice is Oct 2018 and your fiscal year is Oct 1 - Sept 30, then [Fiscal Period] is 201801, the first month of your fiscal year).
[Applied Period]: Applied Period is the YYYYMM period relevant to the transaction recorded. For example, $100.00 in overages assessed from Oct 15th - Nov 15th, will record $50 in [Applied Period] for October and $50 in [Applied Period] for November.
Date Period: The YYYYMM Actual Calendar Date of transaction in e-auto
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{CostFlag}: Indicates if costs posted as Supply, Parts, Labor or Other
{VoucherNumber}: Corresponds to Accounts payable invoices / Number
Service Code: Corresponds to Service Code - GL on Item Record
{ItemMeterTypeCategory}: Corresponds to Usage Limit Meter type on Item Record
Meter Type Category: Category assigned on Meter Type, can be seen under Lists & Codes / Meter Types
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{ActualMetersClicksBilled}: Total actual clicks billed by Date Period (Invoice Date), per device (regardless of any overage/underage amount), separated by black and color clicks.
{BaseAndOverageMetersClicksBilled}: Total billed revenue by Date Period (Invoice Date), per device, for base and overage clicks, separated by black and color clicks. aka: the sum of the covered clicks plus any clicks which were run over that amount.
This click value includes that devices proportionate amount of copy allowance plus any overages incurred. If the device did not meet its allowance, this figure will be that devices proportionate amount of allowance only. (For example, if proportionate allowance is 500 clicks, but actual clicks is 400, value in this column will be 500.)
{OverageMetersClicksBilled}: Total overages billed by Date Period (Invoice Date), per device, for overage clicks ONLY, separated by black and color clicks. Does not include any allowance.
{Quantity}: This column reports the quantity as it relates to the RevCostType for Call Costs. For example, Quantity for Cost Labor, Cost Mileage, Cost Travel correspond to what you see in service invoice as shown in 2nd screenshot below:
{RevenueBilled}: Revenue Billed for that Date Period (Date on Invoice), separated by black and color clicks.
This is different from Revenue column on e-view, as RevenueBilled is specific to the Date Period vs. the Distributed Revenue for each month.
As an example, this contract billed on 7/01/19, for clicks from 4/01/19 - 6/30/19.
The RevenueBilled is showing for Date Period of 201907 (July 2019); whereas, the Revenue corresponds to click revenue specific to month (Date Period) those clicks were produced:
It is key to understand the term 'Distributed' as this is the key to analytics data. Distributed considers the coverage period while Billed posts revenue to the month on Invoice Date. Distributed will break up revenue between months, if coverage period crosses multiple months.
For example, a monthly contract billing Oct 15 - Nov 15 for $100.00 on Oct 31st, will show Billed Revenue of $100 in October; whereas, that same contract invoice will 'Distribute' Revenue as $50.00 in October and $50.00 in November.
{ActualMeterClicksDistributed}: Total actual clicks billed based on Contract Coverage Period, per device (regardless of any overage/underage amount), separated by black and color clicks.
{BaseAndOverageMetersClicksDistributed}: Total billed revenue based on Contract Coverage Period, per device, for base and overage clicks, separated by black and color clicks. This click value includes that devices proportionate amount of copy allowance plus any overages incurred. If the device did not meet its allowance, this figure will be that devices proportionate amount of allowance only. (For example, if proportionate allowance is 500 clicks, but actual clicks is 400, value in this column will be 500.)
{OverageMetersClicksDistributed}: Total overages billed based on Contract Coverage Period, per device, for overage clicks ONLY, separated by black and color clicks. Does not include any allowance.
Example Below showing varying Contract Coverage Periods:
This contract bills quarterly for base and overages:
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Customizing the eView:
As of 01//10/20 (version 20200109), the eView can be customized and you can add columns from other eViews as you need.
Start by pulling up the eView and then select New to create your customer eView:
Enter Name (1) of your custom eView and determine which folders (2) to save this custom eView in, be sure to select OK (3) to save:
This takes you back to running eView screen, but then select Edit:
You can used arrows to remove/add columns to Selected or Unselected columns. You can also use Import new columns to pull in columns from other eAuto eViews:
Linked Views (from Import new columns feature) provides list of available linked views and their corresponding column names:
Any column imported will need to be manually moved to your Selected Columns:
Once you've imported any new columns or made changes to Selected/Unselected columns, be sure to updated your filters tab to 'Sync with columns'. This ensures any columns in your eView are also available in drop down filters:
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Performance Improvement Tip:
If your eView is showing check-mark by Auto Populate in bottom right corner, this is requiring the eView to update every visible column from your eAuto database. This takes a lot of server processing power and will delay how quickly the eView populates. You can un-check this as you work through the eView to help performance.
You can also set this for ALL users to NOT Auto Populate via Tools / Options / Misc. Options by selecting 'Disable "Auto Populate on Lists":
**This WILL effect ALL screens in eAuto.**
Which means your eAuto screens will NOT AUTO POPULATE like this:
Using eView to Validate other CEO Juice Alerts:
This eView can be used to validate reports such as ID768/Worst Performing Contracts, ID773/Worst Profitable Customers, ID758/Biggest Toner Problems as well as a great tool to audit monthly for potential data entry errors.
A few examples/ideas are:
(1) Review labor hours entered on service calls
**Also consider alert to ID219/Closed Call Data Entry Issues to help catch these errors at time of call closure
(2) Review labor entries at $0.00 cost, is tech missing burden rate in eAuto Employee Record
**Also consider alert ID63/Technicians Burden Rate is below target rate or Tech missing email
(3) Audit cost of items/materials used on service calls. Was the right item used? Is there an issue with costs?
(4) Audit Sales Orders entries for quantity. Did someone enter 11 instead of 1, or 33 instead of 3?
eView shows Item Record details (item #, description, etc.)
(5) Are Item Records populated with needed Meter Type Category and Yield in order to ensure they are considered for your ID315/Excessive Toner Alert?
6) Use eView to see Model Profitability (this will require you create a Custom eView).
Select Linked View of Inventory Models (Model) and select Column Name Model, then hit OK:
You will need to move Model from Unselected columns to Selected columns:
Then be sure to select Filters tab to move Models into Selected filters:
Now you can run the eView for filtered Date Period and Model to see Summary Revenue, Costs and more: