
DNUID890 - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

1. How are service calls handled?

The ID890 ITT Sync Process sends Service Call information from your server to ours, we then send that along to the other dealers eAutomate and create a service call. 

The dealer creating the service call will need to have already configured the Equipment Record to sync with the other dealer. This is done by setting needed Custom Property zcj_DealerNumber  with that dealers CEOJuice Customer Number. In turn, the receiving dealer of the service call must have the Custom Property zcj_DealerNumber set with the other dealers CEOJuice Customer Number. The serial numbers in each dealers eAuto must be exactly the same. (There is workaround by using Custom Property zcj_ITTEquipmentNumber.)

The service call created by ID890 will retain all the information from your Equipment Record. The Call Type will be set with either ITT ShipOut or ITT ShipIn (or if different, what you have listed in Variable1 and Variable7 respectively). You can change this Call Type after service call is created and it will not have any effect on the ability to sync.

Once the call syncs, you will see the Service Call will update the Problem Description with the other dealers service call number.

Parts do not sync. The parts information from servicing dealer will come through to installing/selling dealers service call via Remarks.



2. Service Call can't invoice as missing Labor Record/Labor Information.



This typically happens if you invoice the service call before the servicing dealer invoices the call. eAuto doesn’t record the labor entry for ID890 service calls until invoiced. Once invoiced by the servicing dealer, then your side will sync with needed labor entry.

If you use eAgent to auto invoice service calls, best if can set these ITT service calls to invoice late in the day, once per day. That should help reduce these error occurrences.


3. How do I know if the call has sync'd?

When the call syncs from sending to receiving dealer, the receiving dealer's service call will have the sending dealer's service call # listed in the problem description. 

Once the receiving dealer does something to the service call (dispatches, puts on hold open and hits "OK"), then ID890 will move the call's Last Update value will trigger a send back to the sending dealer along with this receiving dealer's service call#.

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