
ID116 - Contract Assigned to a "Location Customer" vs. Parent Overview & Sample:

Notifies when a contract is set up with Location customer rather than Parent customer.

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Best Practice is to set up contracts using the Parent customer as the main customer on the contract.  This process will notify when a Location customer is assigned as the main customer on a contract rather than the Parent customer so the contract can be reviewed and corrected if necessary.

Run Schedule:  Daily at End of Day

Type of Output: Email

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ID116 Sample.jpg

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ID116 Variable.jpg

Variable W: Custom Property assigned to Contract to disable this process.

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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. This process notifies when a contract record is created using a Location customer rather than a Parent customer as the main customer on the contract.  

2. Process looks to Main customer on Contract record:

ID116 Parent on Customer.jpg

3. Location customers can be seen here on Parent customer:

ID116 Locations on Customer Record.jpg
4. Set Contract Custom Property ZCJDisable116Contract to 'Disabled' to contracts from this process:

ID116 Contract Custom Prop.jpg

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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

1. Please see HERE for more information on Parent/Location Best Practice for customer, equipment and contracts.

Custom Property Set Up

Custom Property Set Up

Step 1 - Create ZCJDisable116Contract Attribute

Create new Attribute named ZCJDisable116Contract via Tools / Lists & Codes / Attributes:

Attribute Name: ZCJDisable116Contract

Description: Enable/Disable 116 Location Customer on Contract Alert

Data Type: User Defined Lookup

Lookup List:



ID116 Attribute.jpg

Step 2 - Add ZCJDisable116Contract to Contract Configuration:

Add Attribute to Contract Configuration via Tools / Lists & Codes / Configurations (custom property)

Use QuickAdd feature and set default value to Enabled

ID116 Configuration.jpg

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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID891 - List of Equipment using the "Pencil" Edit Feature

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