
ID77 - Rescheduled Calls (call type) Open Longer Than W or Y Hours Overview & Sample:

This is to alert you when rescheduled calls are still open after the designated # of hours. Juice+ client needed to know specifically if Calltype(s) X were open more than W hours....and also if calltype(s) Z were open more than Y hours. In their case..they use two different calltypes on the calls reschedule for calltype to indicate needs part but machine is down...a second one for needs part machine operational. So this alert was built to fire at W hours for their calltype Needs part down or Y hours for their calltype Needs part operational. You put your own calltypes in variableX/Z as is appropriate to your needs. Note that the variables look to business hours, not total hours, so if you want to know about a call open more than 2 days you would set the variable to 16, not 48.  If sales rep /rep manager is set it will send to the rep assigned the the customer on the service call.

Sample output contains Technician Number, Call Type, Call Number, Total Down Time, Open Date, Customer Name, Technician Name, Model Number, Equipment Number, Call Description and Call Status, as show below:


This alert has 5 variables:


VarW = # business hours elapsed from reschedule call created time for calltype(s) listed in X below

VarX  = CallType(s) still open W hours from reschedule date

VarY  = # business hours elapsed from reschedule call created time for calltype(s) listed in Z below

VarZ  = CallType(s) still open Y hours from reschedule date

Var1  = BranchNumbers for alert to trigger on (leave blank for ALL)


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