
ID300 - New Purchase Orders Created by User ID Overview & Sample:

Reports on newly created Purchase Orders from last 3-days with option to report on ALL or just those missing a cost.

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Monitors newly created Purchase Orders by UserID so you can review entry and ensure cost associated with each item. This is a great tool for tracking entries created by new employee. You select via variables specified UserIDs and whether to monitor all PO's or just those missing cost. 

Alert will continue to trigger on items for Purchase Orders created in the last three days until fixed or the Purchase Order becomes older than three days.


Run Schedule: Daily AM

Type of Output: Email


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Variable W: Login UserID of users you want to trigger on (not Name) (separate by comma or blank for ALL)


Variable X: Enter 'ALL' to trigger on all POS, or leave blank to trigger only on $0 items

Variable Y: Branch numbers alert should fire on (separate multiples by comma or leave blank for ALL)


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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

-Alert looks at all Purchase Orders created in last 3-days and continues to report on same Purchase Orders until either (1) cost is entered (if you are have VariableX blank) or (2) once those 3-days has past. 

-Alert will consider specified UserID's listed in VariableW or consider ALL UserID's if VariableW left blank.

-Alert set via VariableX whether to report on ALL newly created Purchase Order or just Purchase Orders with no cost.



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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

-There is no way to keep a Purchase Order from reporting. PO's, however, will only report daily for 3-days max.

-Sample Purchase Order with NO COST:


-Users may also want to review Item Record cost settings to avoid missing costs on PO's in the future:





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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID233 - Purchase Orders Created for variable criteria

ID833 - New Purchase Order Created Summary


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