
ID610 - Sales Order of Order Type W Fulfilled Overview & Sample:

Notifies when sales orders of designated sales order type(s) are fulfilled.

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This process notifies when sales order type(s) as designated in Variable W are fulfilled. Original use was for a client who created sales orders for equipment to be moved and wanted to be notified when the work was completed so the equipment record could be updated.  However, this process can be used for any sales order types that may need special handling or additional steps taken once fulfilled.  Process runs each morning and afternoon can be used as reminder for those who are responsible for completing additional tasks related to these sales order types.


Run Schedule:  Daily at 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM

Type of Output: Email


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ID610 Sample.jpg


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ID610 Variables.jpg

Variable W: Enter Order Type(s) to Trigger on, separated by a comma.

Variable X: Enter CONTRACT or ALL. CONTRACT to alert only if equipment is on an active contract, or ALL to alert regardless of any contract. Default is ALL.


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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. Process sends a notification twice daily of sales orders fulfillments for the type(s) designated in Variable W of the subscription.

2. Variable W must have at least one sales order type entered. May enter more than one sales order type but must separate multiple entries with a comma.


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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

1. Sales Order Type found here on sales order:
Sales Order with Order Type.jpg

2. All Sales Orders Types can be found in Tools / Lists and Codes / Sales Order Types:
Sales Order Types.jpg


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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID596 - Specialty Sales Order Requiring Attention (per Order Type)


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