
ID404 - Alert Customer on New Meters from Specified Source Overview & Sample:

This alert will email a specified contact at your customers whenever a meter with a specified meter source has been entered in your system. 

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This alert will send an email to your customer whenever a meter is entered into your system for their equipment. You specify which customers will receive these emails as well as what meter sources they are notified of (example of a meter source being "estimated" or "phone). This alert can be very helpful to keep your customers in the-know of when you're having to estimate their meters or are having to call them on the phone because the end user didn't reply to the emailed requests. It can also indicate to the customer that the equipment required a manual meter collection perhaps due to the equipment no longer reporting on the DCA. 

Note that this alert will only notify the customer once per meter entry. 


Run Schedule:  Daily at 7 A.M.

Type of Output: Email


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In the sample below, the alert is informing your customer that you've had to estimate the meter for billing purposes. You let us know what you want the outgoing emails to your customers to say. Note that the email going out upon meter being entered into system, not billed. 



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Variable W: Enter the meter source you want your customers notified of. Fo multiple, separate with a comma. 

Variable X: This is the name of the custom property on the customer record you will use to select which contact should receive the alert for that customer. 



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. Alert reviews meter reads entered into your database with the specific meter source from Variable W

ID404 2.JPG

2. Next, alert reviews the customer record that is associated with the meter read entered to validate if a contact is selected in the ZCJSendAlert404NewMtrRead custom property field 

ID404 3.JPG

ID404 5.JPG

3. If a contact is present, an email sends to the contact notifying them of the meter reading entered with the meter source explained. If it is blank and no contact is selected, then no email goes out to your customer. 


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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

It is recommended that you only use this alert for customers that have specifically requested to know about meter entry for their account. Otherwise, sending to all customers may overwhelm them. 

Note that the contact lookup within the custom property will show all contacts and only those that are active. 

Custom Property Set Up

Custom Property Set Up

CEO Juice will set the ZCJSendAlert404NewMtrRead custom property up in your system, but your company will need to go into each customer record and make your contact selections in that custom property field. 



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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID369 - A Meter Reading with Source as Variable W Was Just Created

ID153 - Meter Readings for Equipment used for Last Weeks Billing Where the Source Contains PHONE or the Meter Was Flagged as Estimated



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