
ID468 - For Users Who have the Hidden HelpDesk Feature Enabled in EAutomate to Copy Invoiced Call Labor Remarks to the Call Remarks Overview & Sample:

ID468 was designed to eliminate all the cut & pasting help desk users were doing to make remarks visible to remote tech

It will copy Labor Remarks on closed service calls to the call remarks, if no call remarks exist, so that the field tech can see the HelpDesk notes in Remote Tech call history. This is not to be confused with DeskTech features.


This alert has 1 Variable:

You might want to exclude certain calltypes from this process.  For example, copying remarks on calls being processed thru DeskTech causes some duplicity and confusion in the DeskTech UI. So you would not want any of your Managed IT calls being processed and copying remarks.  Choose Variable 1 (ExcludeCallTypes) to manage these call type(s).



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