
Service Call Summary from Remote Tech

ECi's Remote Tech has the option to send a service call summary upon completion.

From ECi's help, under Remote Tech Feature Admin/Service Calls Section/Completion Options: 

You use this feature to configure the ability to email a PDF of the call summary and configure the signature capture capability.

The call summary can be sent either upon completion of a service call or after the fact for closed calls. In this feature you configure the settings for the email itself, and determine whether or not you want the pdf saved in the Attachments section of Remote Tech once the email has been sent. If you do want the pdf saved in the Attachments section of e-automate once the email has been sent, you must also configure the attachment functionality in Remote Tech. See the “Configuring Attachment Capability” topic for instructions on how to do so.

If you enable this option for individual technicians you can customize the call summary email for that technician, specifically the email subject, body, and attachment. In addition to making modifications to the subject and the email body, on premise users can modify the XML in the identified XML template, ServiceCallSummary.xslt located in the …\RemoteTech Server\config\xsl directory to include data of you choosing in the summary. You can also modify the stored procedure RT_LoadServiceCallSummary to identify data you want sent with the service call summary. Modifying the XML and the stored procedure is a task for a technically competent employee or an IS professional.

When configuring the signature capture capability you can determine if you want a signature required when closing the call, if you want to give your technicians the option to get a signature when closing the call, or if you do not want the signature capture capability enabled at all.

When a specific technician is identified in the Technician field, the feature is configured for just the selected technician. If you select All technicians, the settings you configure apply to all technicians. If you have enabled all technicians, you can modify an existing technician’s settings by selecting the technician, clicking Override global settings, and making the appropriate changes. As soon as you make any changes to the Remote Tech features, Remote Tech automatically saves your changes; no additional effort is necessary for you to save the settings.

  1. From within the features administration area, click on the Completion Options link, located under the Service Calls heading, to display available options.
  2. In the Technician field, use the dropdown menu to select a specific technician or All technicians.
    Note: When a specific tech is identified in the Technician field, the feature is configured for just the identified technician. When All technicians is identified, the feature is configured for all technicians.
  3. Check the Enable feature checkbox to allow technicians to send service call summaries.
  4. If you have enabled this feature for all technicians, you can override the global settings for an individually selected technician. If you want to customize the settings for an individual technician, check the Override global settings checkbox.
    Note: The override global setting checkbox is only enabled when you have selected an individual technician. If All Technicians is selected this checkbox is disabled.
  5. The Attachment template field, displays the file name of the template used for the service call summary email. The attachment template is created by ECi e-automate. You can use the default template as you see fit.
    Note: On premise customers can modify the template and the stored procedure, make sure the modification is done by a qualified IT professional.
  6. The SQL store procedure field, displays the name of the stored procedure used for the service call summary email. The SQL stored procedure is created by ECi e-automate. You can use the stored procedure as you see fit. On premise customers can modify the SQL stored procedure as they see fit.
    Note: If you want to modify the template and the stored procedure, make sure the modification is done by a qualified IS professional.
  7. If you want the item price information included in the call summary, check the Include price information checkbox.
  8. Under Customer signature on close select one of the following options.
  • Required: When selected, the technician must provide a signature in order to close the service call.
  • Optional: When selected, the technician may obtain a signature to close the call, but a signature is not required.
  • Not available: When selected, the option to obtain a signature does not display.
  1. Under Upon completion of call, select one of the following.
  • Save summary pdf as call attachment: When selected, a pdf of the call summary is saved to the service call in e-automate when the call is completed.
    Note: If you want the pdf saved as an attachment to the service call in Remote Tech and e-automate. See the “Configuring Attachment Capability” topic for instructions on how to do so in Remote Tech and the “Settings Miscellaneous Options” for instructions on how to do so in e-automate.
  • Email summary pdf to customer: When selected, the call summary is emailed to the email identified in the Email summary to field on the call completion page. If you want additional email addresses blind copied on the call summary email, you may enter those email addresses in the Bcc addresses field.
  1. In the Email subject field, you may modify the subject as you want it to appear on the service call summary email for the selected technician or all technicians. If you want the service call number in the subject of the email you must leave the brackets and contained values in place. [@CallNumber]
  2. In the Email body field, you may modify the body as you want it to appear on the service call summary email for the selected technician. If you want the service call number in the body of the email you must leave the brackets and contained values in place. [@CallNumber]

Sample Output:



Note:  This comment from a user who opted to use the include price in #7 above (and as shown in the sample above):  

We receive multiple comments from customers to our AR department about this attachment. The single complaint from all is that it is confusing, see highlighted areas (it doesn't add up) and the customer thinks it is an actual invoice so a payment is made against it. Then, they get the actual service invoice and it is different.

We need to clearly indicate on the summary that this is "just a summary, do not pay against this service call summary - not an invoice, invoice information subject to change" to help eliminate any confusion!

 As you can imagine, the customer receives this report, status call alerts, invoices, past due notices, statements emails and with so many kinds of emails passing through, the customer can get confused and overwhelmed with too much info.

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