
ID901 - Unmapped Accounts for Financial Benchmark Reporting Overview & Sample

List of Unmapped accounts needed for ID900/Financial Model

Overview | Samples | Variables | Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips |  Related Alerts | Task App

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Provides list of un-mapped accounts needed for your ID900 Series Financial Benchmark Reporting. 

These un-mapped accounts are important to identify whether you're using the report monthly or just preparing for your annual dealer group reporting requirement. It is much easier to manage these un-mapped accounts monthly as new transactions and accounts are created so you don't have to try to remember (and potentially fix) a transaction from 9-months ago.

We provide details so you can see department and/or accounts and who/when they were created. 

Run Schedule: Weekly - Monday's AM

Type of Output: Email and Task App


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 Sorted by Financial Model, then Account Number, then Department Number

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Variable1: Years (Accounting Periods, not calendar years) back to include (required). Set number of years alert to look back for unmapped activity,  Max is 3 years

Variable2: Enter Financial Model(s) to report for (SBA2019, NLI2018) - if left blank, then defaults to Financial Model you've already mapped accounts to in ID909:




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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

-Alert shows DR/CR (debit/credit) which is the Total Acct/Dept activity per Variable1. If the transactions net is zero, then Acct/Dept will NOT show. If you see $0.00 in DR/CR column, then the net is pennies (less than $1.00). 

-Provides list of un-mapped accounts needed for your ID900/Financial Performance Benchmark SSRS Report

These un-mapped details can be seen on your ID909/Monthly Financials SSRS Report OR ID910/Financial Model Account Allocations SSRS Report:

ID909 best for recent unmapped accounts:


ID910 best for historical unmapped acounts:



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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

Use this alert in order to address month to month issues all year round instead of being one big chore 1x per year. It also enables you to correct your process right away rather than having to go back to correct a year's worth of entries.



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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID900 Series - Financial Benchmark Reporting


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Task App

Task App

Please see THIS LINK for review.

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