eAutomate comes with quite a few spreadsheet utilities that can be used to import data into eAutomate and export data from eAutomate. The APInvoiceImport can be used to import your vendor invoices into eAutomate so you don't have to manually enter them. All the utilities are located under C:\Program Files (x86)\ECi\e-automate\Utilities.
Click here for details on enabling the spreadsheet.
To track profit for Managed IT contracts, especially ones managed in software like ConnectWise or AutoTask we need to break out the vendor invoice by contract. For some vendors you may also want to track the quantity.
All the fields available can be used, however for this purpose we mainly want to track the Contract, Item and Quantity, perhaps the covered dates. See here for a detail on what goes in each column.main.
· Customer: The customer—if any—with whom you want to associate the invoice costs.
· Contract: The full number of the service contract (for example, CT10001-01, where 'CT10001' is the Contract number and '01' is the contract's Rev [revision] number)—if any—with which to associate the invoice costs. If you associate vendor invoice costs with contracts, the system uses this information when generating contract profitability reports. Also see this post. Note: This field is not required.
· Coverage From: The beginning date of the coverage period—if any—over which the invoice cost on this row is to be allocated.
· Coverage To: The ending date of the coverage period—if any—over which the invoice cost on this row is to be allocated.
· Item: The number identifying the serviceable item on a contract—if any—with which to associate the invoice cost on this row.
If you want to track quantities there is no place to enter that but we can pull it from the Description if you use {}.
1. Click [Import into e-automate] to import the accounts payable invoices you have entered into the spreadsheet.
2. The system displays the e-automate login window. Log in to e-automate.
Note: If you do not have sufficient security rights, the system displays an error message. If you need additional rights, check with your system administrator to obtain the appropriate rights. Rights for spreadsheet utilities are specific to each utility.
3. The system displays the Confirm Database window. Do one of the following:
•Click [Yes] to confirm the database selected for spreadsheet utility processing.
•Click [No] to cancel and return to the spreadsheet utility.
•Click [Change database] to select a different database. The system re-displays the e-automate login window.
4. If you clicked [Yes] in the previous step, the system begins the import process. When the import process completes, view your journal entries in e-automate and the spreadsheet utility's Result column. For each record, the Result column will indicate if the import was successful or if an error occurred during import.
Note: If any errors occurred, make the necessary corrections and re-process the import as necessary.
The invoices will now be available to pay in Eautomate. Save the Excel book for the current month and next month tweak it with changes and then save again.