
ID620 - HP Amplify MIF Report Overview & Sample:

HP Amplify MIF Report

Jump to Overview | Samples | Variables | Alert Functionality | OnDemand Report Filters |  Related Alerts | Initial Steps to Start

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For HP's Amplify Program, CEO Juice has created On Demand SSRS Report and email process for you to easily send reporting requirements to HP. Our trio of alerts will email you a report you can then send on to HP ( We do not send this on your behalf to HP.

Our trio of alert ID's: - be sure to subscribe to ALL three:

Our HP Amplify MIF Report (ID620) is based on Contract Records.

Our HP Amplify Inventory Report (ID73) is based on Current Inventory.

Our HP Amplify Transactional and Managed Sales Report (ID769) is based on items consumed on both Sales Orders and Service Calls.


Run Schedule: Last Day of Month, evening

Type of Output: Email and On Demand SSRS Report


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Column headers are color coded:

Green = Required by HP

Blue = Business Conditional if required by HP

Gray = Optional


Columns Explained

Columns Explained


All of these columns are per the Equipment Record and Contract Record details linked to that Equipment Record and are self-explanatory.


Business Type = NB or IB

NB = equipment has been added to contract within reporting date range

IB = equipment terminated from contract within the reporting date range OR

IB = equipment added to contract prior to the beginning date of the reporting date range

Contract Start Date  - date when equipment actually added to contract record (not considering any start dates set at contract or equipment level)

Contract End Date - end date set on equipment within contract record. If no end date on equipment, then is expiration date of contract record. If no equipment level or contract record level end dates set, then is 7-years from the start date on contract record.

Customer Name Add On = Location Remarks from Equipment Record



Customer ID = Customer Number

Customer VAT ID - this will always be blank as we do not know what this is for HP and it is Business Program specific so you will need to manually populate if HP required of you.

New Customer = Y/N (Yes/No). If customer record created within the reporting date range = Yes; otherwise = No

Remaining columns (R-Y) are Business Program specific. These will always be blank so you will need to populate if HP requires of you.


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All variables are optional, except for Variables 4, 5, 6.

Variables W, X, Y, Z, 1, 2  are used to tell our reporting HOW you identify your HP Item Records. These variables are like filters and function as an AND filter. So a given Equipment or Contract Record would need to have all codes you list in each variable.


Variable W: Contract Types to include (separate multiple with commas)

Variable X: Bill Codes to Include (separate multiple with commas)

Variable Y: Base Distribution Codes to Include (separate multiples with commas)


Variable Z: Makes to Include (separate multiples with commas)

Variable 1: Model to Include (separate multiples with commas)

Variable 2: Yes or No, Include only items with HPAmplifyReporting custom property set to Yes?



Variable 3: Branch Numbers to include on report. Separate multiples with commas OR leave blank for All

Variable 4: Include/Exclude Managed/Transactional SKUs (defaults to 0 if left blank)

0 = Report both Managed and Transactional SKUs

1 = Report Managed SKUs only

2 = Report Transactional SKUs only

Variable 5: Standard or Full Mode (defaults to 1 if left blank)

In Full Mode the report will show all active contracts and equipment that do not have an end date set regardless of what the date range parameters are set for. This is meant for the initial upload to HP. In Standard Mode the report will only show equipment added to a contract within the date range or equipment terminated from the contract within the date range. The terminated equipment will only show once within the date range it was terminated. After that it will no longer show on the report unless it's added back to a qualifying contract based on your variable settings.

1 = Standard Mode
0 = Full Mode

Variable 6: Which field to pull Device P/N from (defaults to 0 if left blank)

0 = Pull from item number field in eAuto
1 = Pull from OEM number field in eAuto



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

-Reports on HP Equipment Records you've identified via your variable settings.

-This alert requires you be subscribed to alert ID769 as we pull in your Partner ReporterID from Variable5 on ID769

-While files need to be sent to, if you have a data reporting questions or an inquiry, please email:


Click this link to review the requirements and begin the initial setup 

Report Formatting

Report Formatting


(2) Emailed report shows your variables selections, so be sure these are correct and make any needed changes to your variables on ID620 subscription:


(3) Our HP Amplify alerts email you .xls file format. HP requires .csv file, so you will need to open and then save as CSV (comma delimited) (*.csv) for submission to HP.


(4) Many clients are getting errors from HP indicating a required field is missing data or a field is not reported or possibly double quotes are not enclosed properly, be sure to check these settings PRIOR to saving our report as a .csv file for HP submittal.

Search your PC's settings for 'Regional', click on 'Additional date, time & regional settings':


Select 'Change date, time, or number formats':


Then select 'Additional Settings':


Change 'List separator' to a comma(,):

**You will need to manually enter as there is typically no drown down options available and be sure to select OK to save.**


(5) Other formatting issues from HP? Some clients are getting file submissions rejections from HP. HP WILL NOT accept comma's or carriage returns in the .csv file (most eAuto users have both on their Customer Records). So you will need to "clean up" your excel file first using Find and Replace function in excel.

Step 1: Enter , (comma) in Find What and set Replace With as blank:


Step 2: Enter Ctrl-J (carriage returns which puts a blinking . (period) in the Find What cell, set Replace With as blank:


Step 3: Now save file as CSV UTF-8 (comma delimited) and send off to HP:



Custom Property

Custom Property

Step 1:

Go to Tools / Lists & Codes / Attributes:

Create new Attribute:

Attribute Name = HPAmplifyReporting

Description = HPAmplifyReporting

Data type = Yes/No


Step 2:

go to Configurations (custom properties) and double click on Configuration typically named Equipment that is set for Group = Equipment Properties (this is enables you to assign the Custom Property to Equipment Records):


Use Quick Search to find HPAmplifyReporting, select quick add and leave default value blank:


You now have HPAmplifyReporting as Custom Property on Equipment Records:


If you would like CEO Juice to update Custom Property to YES on your Equipment Records, please email us an excel list of Equipment Numbers needing to set with YES to Please be sure you have created the Custom Property  first.


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OnDemand Report Filters

OnDemand Report Filters

1 - Be sure your filters match your ID620 variables (filters) EXACTLY.

All filters optional. Filters are used to tell SSRS Report HOW you identify your HP MIF/Equipment Records. These filters are an AND filter, so a given Equipment/Contract Record would need to have all codes you list in each filter. 

2 - Enter multiple entries in each field with comma(s).

3 - Users will need eAuto permissions to run Inventory Reports.


4 - When running via SSRS, you need to export to Excel and save as excel. Then open it again and save it as .csv before submitting it to HP. This ensures the column headers stay as needed. Be sure to save the file with this naming convention required by HP: CONTRACTS_PARTNERCODE_YYYYMMDD

Step 1:


Step 2:


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Custom Property HPAmplifyReporting MUST be set to YES on Equipment Records for Custom Property filter to work.

The filter settings for ContractType(s), BillCode(s), and BaseDistributeCode(s) correspond to these fields on a Contract Record:


The Make(s) and Model(s) filter settings Inventory Makes and Models.

**You MUST have Equipment linked to Contract Record for these filters to work**

Inventory Makes:


Inventory Models:





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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID73: HP Amplify Inventory Report

ID769: HP Amplify Transactional and Managed Sales Report (REQUIRED)


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