Provides email confirmation of Inventory Requests placed
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This is an email to the technician when a new inventory request is PLACED, including RemoteTech requests.
This alert was primarily created due to a bug with RemoteTech inventory requests not working.
Run Schedule: Every 15-Minutes
Type of Output: Email
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Variable W: Branch numbers alert fires on (list multiple branches separate by commas). Leave blank for ALL branches.
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
-Because alert fires every 15 minutes, we have included columns for Canceled, Purchased, and Transferred in case any of those statuses apply when alert fires (as they could have changed in the first few minutes after inventory request placed).
-Does NOT include tech to tech field transfers. Use alert ID46 to see this activity.
-Considers Inventory Requests only, not Transfer Orders.
-Looks back five days to create date the first time it fires, so the first email will include five days of inventory requests.
-Notifies once per request number, per item number. The alert will not notify again if status changes (i.e. canceled or purchased) after the first email.
Required settings in e-auto:
Required setting in e-automate:
1. The technician's e-auto Employee Record MUST have a manager assigned:
2. The technician's warehouse MUST be linked to the technician listed on the Details Tab / Technician:
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
-Information on RemoteTech Inventory Requests can be found in e-automate's online help portal:
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID46 - Tech Warehouse Activity Report
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