
ID703 - Contract Import Utility for Cloud Based Telephony Services Overview & Sample:

For clients reselling cloud based telephony services wanting to easily push this billing info into eAuto.

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Clients who are reselling cloud based telephony services need to bill their customers in eAutomate based upon the invoices they get in their spreadsheet from their cloud vendor. Updating these contracts can be time consuming.
This is a process to import that cloud vendor spreadsheet to update the eAuto contract.
This could also work well for reoccurring charges including IT Contracts not billed through PSAs like ConnectWise.
This utility enables you to import a spreadsheet into a Juice table, then take those imported records and update the matching Contract Number and/or Item on the contract.

See spreadsheet utility at bottom of this page.

Type of Output: On Demand Import Utility


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This alert has no variables


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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

The spreadsheet writes the data into a custom table in our CEOJuice database which our task looks for unprocessed records, then updates the matching contract details for those records and marks them as processed.


1. Every column header colored green, you must enter

2. Save previous month's spreadsheet, then edit each month, and resave with new name. This ensures you have a record for each month.

3. Review all three available settings and update as needed:


4. To import, click on Insert button, then enter SQL User Name and Password:

The only database that user needs to have rights to is the CEOJuice production database, and the user needs datareader and datawriter rights.



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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

1. Also works well for reoccurring charges including IT Contract not billed through ConnectWise.

2. Have to be on your network to facilitate this task.

3. There isn't really a way to test the import results prior to inputting into production. However, we recommend starting with 1 contract at a time and checking the results in your production database. Then you can increase to a 5 contract at a time import and eventually importing all when you feel comfortable with the process and deem it accurate.


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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

None at this time



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