Provides you and your Service Managers the ability to review all of your service KPIs and metrics with an incredible amount of control and detail.
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Based loosely on our ID204 Service Productivity SSRS reports. If you’re used to receiving those emails every Monday morning, this Power BI report gives you all that data, plus much more. Look at all the same KPIs for the machines in your equipment fleet, and determine which makes, models, or other groups of machines are driving your numbers down (or your costs up). Easily pull up recent KPIs for a specific customer who is complaining to their rep.
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- Look at all the same KPIs for the machines in your equipment fleet, and determine which makes, models, or other groups of machines are driving your numbers down (or your costs up).
- Easily pull up recent KPIs for a specific customer who is complaining to their rep.
- Compare your technician’s primary metrics against the other members of his team, or against ALL of your techs, to see who’s excelling and who’s struggling.
- Have all your technician’s numbers for the entire year at your fingertips when you sit down with her for her yearly review.
- Review ANY of your KPIs for the year, or for multiple years, or compare year-over-year to see what’s changed for the better or worse (or due to Covid).
- Pick and choose the numbers or graphs you want to see routinely and pin them to a dashboard that you can look at daily to see how performance is trending.
- BUILD YOUR OWN PAGES IN THE REPORT by choosing the metrics you want to compare, and the time frame over which you want to compare them.
Type of Output: On Demand Power BI Report
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Home Page:
Equipment Service Metrics:
Customer Service Metrics:
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This alert has no variables
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
1. Data goes back 30-months from current month, no farther. This equates to calls closed 30-months ago from today.
2. Net Call Formula Setup - this formula allows you to set what Call Type Categories AND whether to include callbacks, incompletes, and/or reschedules for calculating KPI's. Please also watch video link for clarification on how the formula considers callbacks and incompletes since one call can be both.
3. Sample Business Use Case: Stack rank technicians for Net Calls and Net First Call Fix Rate for A3 Machines Only - watch video below:
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Power BI Reporting
Power BI Reporting
1. See breakdowns by Model Class/Model Category:
We will show your Model Categories per your CEOJuice Model Mapping App, OR if none there, then per your e-automate:
2. Service Call Detail provided under Call Analysis:
PartsCost = Item Records set with Service Code Category of Parts consumed on Service Call
Cost = Any item consumed on Service Call NOT set with Service Code Category of Parts
3. Build your own Custom Reports:
4. Create a Dashboard:
5. Export to Excel (click on three dots):
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KPIs Glossary
KPIs Glossary
Gross Workdays: per your date filter settings on report, total number of workdays set in eAuto SLA Code
Unavailable Days: per Time Card and / or Unavailable Entries for Tech
Net Days in Period: Difference between Gross Work Days and Unavailable Days
Average Start: Based on arrival time (excludes travel) UNLESS you are using filter to include Travel Time
Average End: Based on end time entered on service call
Average Start (excl. 1st unavailable): Excludes from average start time any day tech marked as unavailable at start of that day
Average End (excl. 1st unavailable): Excludes from average end time any day tech marked as unavailable at end of that day
**Please note: If tech marked as unavailable ALL day, then that day not considered for either Average Start or End Time
Total Calls: total calls in period based on filter settings
CM Calls: total of corrective maintenance category calls
PM Calls: total of preventive maintenance category calls
Shop Calls: total of shop category calls
IR Calls: total of install and replace category calls
Other Calls: total of all other category calls not set as CM, PM, Shop or IR calls
Net Calls: Based on your formula selected in Net Calls filter on report
N.F.: Net calls formula for Net Calls Calculation based on selected filters
The Net Calls Formula allows you to decide how that column will be calculated across ALL pages of the report, and that value is used to calculate certain values like Net Callback % and Net FCFR % where indicated in the report or in the glossary. You begin by choosing the CallTypeCategories you want to be included as Net Calls, you can choose to include or exclude various Categories such as Corrective Maintenance and Shop. NOTE THAT OTHER CALLS, as defined in the report, is a catch-all for all Categories not listed elsewhere, so choosing 'Other' means choosing all three of PhoneFix, CourtesyCall and the 'Other' (which is also the name of a Category in EA).
After choosing what calls to include you then have the option to exclude certain calls based on other characteristics. You may choose to exclude CallBacks, Incomplete Calls and/or Rescheduled Calls from the Net Calls sum. NOTE THAT some calls can be BOTH CallBacks and Incompletes, and other Calls can be BOTH Incompletes and Reschedules. We are NOT 'substracting a call twice' if it qualifies for more than one reason. This can make the NetCalls value very difficult to confirm from inside the report page, as you will not see the necessary columns in all cases and will not have easy visibility to which calls are more than one of CallBack, Incomplete, or Reschedule. The Call Analysis drilldown, which is available in most pages, will generally have this additional detail.
Gross CPD: Gross Calls per day = Total Calls / (Net days in period)
Callbacks Charged Calls: Callbacks being charged to the selected technician for the reporting period. In other words, a call the tech worked previously generated a callback, so the tech that did the original call is charged with the callback
Callbacks Worked Calls: Number of callbacks worked in the reporting period, whether this tech's or somebody else's. Remember while the first call indicates who is responsible for the callback, anybody can work on the second call
Incomplete Calls (IC): total calls marked as incomplete
Gross FCFR: Gross First Call Effectiveness = ( TC - ( IC + CB ) ) / TC
Net CM CPD: Net Corrective Maintenance Calls per day = Net CM Calls / Work Days in reporting period
Net FCFR: Net First Call Effectiveness = 100 - ( CB % + IC % )
*** CB % = Callbacks to Net Calls / IC % Incompletes to Net Calls
Installed Parts Cost: Total Cost of any/all items
Average Install Parts Cost per call: Parts Cost / Gross Calls
Repair Time = Total Work Hours / Actual labor time
Average Repair Time per Call = Total work hours / Total Calls
Parts Available: the average time (in hours) from a call being released from final hold until call is closed, whether PartsAvailable (PA) or another OnHoldCode
Tech Rating: Survey responses for service calls closed within the reporting period
Valid Responses: Count of valid survey responses for service calls closed within the reporting period
*** Tech Rating and Valid responses are survey submission date agnostic KPIs
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID204 - Tech Productivity SSRS Report
ID281 - Customer Retention Rate Power BI
ID295 - Model Mapping App
ID568 - e-auto Activity Trends Power BI
ID704 - The Financial "Model" Power BI
ID770 - Financial Dashboard Power BI
ID771 - Service MIF & Profitability Power BI
ID774 - Customer Business Review Power BI
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Recorded webinar from 6/17/2022