Notifies of new callbacks within 15 minutes of a service call being placed
Jump to Overview | Sample | Variables | Alert Functionality | Best Practices & Tips | Related Alerts |
While eAutomate provides a warning to the user opening the call that a new call is a callback, this alert allows you to advise the service manager, technician, technician manager, or eve the sales rep that a callback has been opened. Sharing callback information with the entire team allows them to quickly take action to offset potential customer service issues, whether it be sending another, more qualified technician or having sales management to contact the customer to personally follow up with them.
Alert reports on corrective maintenance calls only and will consider eAutomate settings for Call Back parameters, Call Alert parameters, or both via Variable W and Variable X
Run Schedule: Every 15 Minutes
Type of Output: Email
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Variable W: Report on Call Back Parameters? 1=Yes, 0=No (default is 1=Yes)
Variable X: Report on Call Alert Parameters? 1=Yes, 0=No (default is 1=Yes)
Variable Y: Number of Calls to Return for Review (default is 2, which is the current call plus 1 prior call)
Variable Z: Enter Branch Number(s) to Trigger on (separate multiples with a comma) or leave blank for ALL
Variable 1: Enter 'Advise' to Copy Tech from Previous Call (being charged with callback) or Leave Blank (default is 'Advise')
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Alert Functionality
Alert Functionality
1. Alert only fires on Corrective Maintenance call types, as eAutomate only considers Corrective Maintenance call types for any call alert parameter:
2. Alert identifies what Call Back or Call Alert setting is triggering the alert and includes the correlating parameters from eAutomate:
3. Call Back and Call Alert columns also indicate if alert is firing due to Call Back or Call Alert setting per eAutomate, 1=Yes and 0=No.
4. Call Count column indicates the order of the service calls, with most recent call listed as 1.
5. Can be set to send to Tech, Tech Manager, Sales Rep, and Sales Rep Manager in addition to listed recipients.
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Best Practices & Tips
Best Practices & Tips
1. Call Back and Call Alert settings can set at the Equipment level, Model level, or System level. We recommend they be set at the Model level. Please see instructions for how to set at each level here.
2. If this alert is repeating, then there is a pending Corrective Maintenance call still open for this equipment that is older than those listed on the alert. That older call must be closed/cleared in order for the alert to stop repeating.
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Related Alerts
Related Alerts
ID206 - Call Back Detail SSRS