
ID550 - Takes New Meter Readings and Compares to Volume Trend for Sanity Check Overview & Sample:

This alert notifies you if a meter reading that is higher or lower than their normal volume has been entered on an equipment record. This is based on thresholds you set in the alert variables. 

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This alert reviews meter reads entered on equipment that are experiencing volume trend changes or perhaps a bad meter being entered. In the variables of the alert you set parameters around when you would consider a change in volume as something you want to be notified on or not. This alert notifies if the entered read is a specific percentage over or under their average volume and notifies you on estimated or identical reads being entered a specified number of times for same equipment. The alert takes into account the minimum average monthly volume of the equipment that you want it to consider as well as what branches you want included. Note that this alert will report on any equipment in the system whether it's on a contract or not. 


Run Schedule:  Weekdays at 3:30 P.M.

Type of Output: Email


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Variable W: Enter the percentage above or below the equipment's average volume the entered read is that you want included in the alert

Variable XEnter the minimum average monthly volume amount of the equipment that you want included in the alert

Variable Y: Enter how many times an identical meter read can be entered on equipment before it is included in your alert

Variable Z: Enter how many times an estimated meter read can be entered on equipment before it is included in your alert

Variable 1: Enter the branch numbers you want included in the alert, separated by commas. To include all, leave the variable blank



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Alert Functionality

Alert Functionality

1. Alert reviews meter reads entered in the system on equipment records and compares the volume entered against their monthly average volume. To determine the value for prior monthly average, the alert looks for the first 3/6/12/Install average value in eAutomate that is greater than 0, starting at the 3-month average.  If eAutomate has not calculated any average meters, the alert will calculate 18-month, 24-month and all-time average based on the first-ever reported meter and the most current valid meter.  If neither of these methods produce results, the alert defaults to the best average volume across all equipment records of that model in your eAutomate database.

2. If calculation of new volume is above or below the average volume of the equipment record by the specific percentage in variable W then it proceeds to the next step of validating if the equipment has an average monthly volume that is greater than what is specific in variable X. 


3. The alert reviews the customer record that is listed as the customer on the equipment record to ensure that the branch listed is included in variable 1. If all scenarios apply, the results are included in the alert output.

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4. The alert also reviews equipment records where the meter read entered is an identical meter read that has been entered on the record consecutively X amount of times as defined in Variable Y or an estimated meter read that has been entered on the record consecutively X amount of times as defined in Variable Z. This piece also ensures it is only alerting for equipment records whose customer record is within the branch(s) defined in variable 1. 


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Best Practices & Tips

Best Practices & Tips

We recommend that you enter your variables initially and review the results that return over time. It is possible that for your business the variables set return too many unimportant results and it would be beneficial to change the variable numbers. For example, if you set variable W to 25% and you are receiving a list of 100 equipment each day and the reads entered are valid, perhaps increase to 40% and see if this narrows the results to list what is actually important to be reviewed. 



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Related Alerts

Related Alerts

ID672 - Duplicate Meter Read Entered By Tech, Overview & Sample

ID506 - Duplicate Identical Billable Meter Reads Overview & Sample

ID197 - Meter Reading Created Today > W% Of Previous Reading Overview & Sample

ID556 - Reports Of Same Meter Reading Billed W # Of Times Overview & Sample


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